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Constant disconnections

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Michael Zierhut, 27 Jul 2017.

  1. Michael Zierhut

    Michael Zierhut New Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Rovio, you've made a good game here, and I'm about to dive in for more, but I hesitate to spend money due to a nasty beast in the water: disconnections in the heat of battle. I'd estimate that this happens about a quarter of the time. How am I supposed to get a decent rating and into a guild if I keep losing rating from your bug. Please, fix this. I'd like to play more. But until you do fix it, don't expect me to drop money on your flawed gem. Once I see patch notes addressing the issue, I'll reconsider.
    fr4nk1yn likes this.
  2. fr4nk1yn

    fr4nk1yn Well-Known Member

    19 Jul 2017
    Same here. With no changes to my network I suddenly start getting crazy disconnects. Maybe a neighbor is using a microwave but I;m not thinking so,
  3. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    I have no problems with connection from the game
    Are you using mobile data or wifi?
    A lot of it is a bad connection with the internet, not the games fault.
    Jimit19 likes this.
  4. Michael Zierhut

    Michael Zierhut New Member

    27 Jul 2017
    I have been disconnected sitting next to the router. I play many games and none have anywhere near this instability. I understand internet issues cause most disconnects (including infidelity in a wireless connection), but no game I play disconnects as often as Battle Bay.
  5. Mandra56000

    Mandra56000 New Member

    31 Jul 2017
    Je joue depuis le début du jeu et depuis la dernière maj c est devenu injouable, bateaux qui font du "Moon walk", qui apparaissent devant mon bateaux, dégâts non pris en compte, déconnexion des combats, résultat je joue plus, je perds tout le temps, en deux jour j ai perdu 500 infamie!!! J'attends un patch rapide de votre parts!! Vote d appréciation Google play de 5 étoile à 2 et si rien est fait de vais encore baisser!!
  6. Mandra56000

    Mandra56000 New Member

    31 Jul 2017
  7. Cyberfisch

    Cyberfisch Active Member

    13 Apr 2017
    I have something over 9000 battles under my belt. And of it perhaps 25 times problem with the connection had. And each of these disconnections was my ISP owed. Generally it is helpful to post some technical details, such as ISP, Device and OS.
  8. Michael Zierhut

    Michael Zierhut New Member

    27 Jul 2017
    ISP: Spectrum 50 Mbps (even though they say it's 100)
    Device: Google Pixel
    OS: Android (w/e the latest version is)

    I wish I had the 2% disconnect rate as you. Mine really is more like 25%. I gave you another piece of information that you ignored. I don't get disconnected at anywhere near the same rate as any other game.
  9. Cyberfisch

    Cyberfisch Active Member

    13 Apr 2017
    First of all, this is the forum for Battle Bay loving players, from very few except nobody here speaks for Rovio or is a developer.
    For these problems you can also contact directly the Rovio support: support.rovio.com.
    Battle Bay is a MOBA Game, which means ONLINE and a constant internet connection is required.
    In addition to the bandwidth, the response time of the connection is very important. You can check this by opening the menu in the upper left corner. In the bottom line, the "Ping" time is displayed. For my connection this is about 120 ms, the lower the better.
    Also, it would be exciting to see what happens when you deactivate your WIFI and use a mobile connection for the game.
    These tips are meant to help you to locate the problem more precisely, there are simply too many factors involved before you can say that this has a cause on the side of the BB server.
    BTW, welcome to the Forum!

    @Miika, @Zeus
  10. AVID

    AVID Well-Known Member

    27 Jun 2017
    ADMINS & DEVS plz lookinto this, as i am also a member suffering with this...have to optimise the connection low internet users also....
  11. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Battle Bay requires approximately 2 KB/s (20 kbps) internet connection to work. That is less than modem speeds from year 1994. Also, the disconnection happens only if your connection stops transmitting *anything* for a whole 15 seconds. I'd say that's pretty low already. It's half of what New Horizons space probe had bandwidth when transmitting from Jupiter. :)

    Unfortunately a lot of internet connections are just really bad, especially mobile connections, and the need for a stable low bandwidth connection just smokes this issue out. You just don't realize how bad the connection is when browsing the internet or reading you emails because it doesn't require constant and stable connection.
  12. AVID

    AVID Well-Known Member

    27 Jun 2017
    Ok, can it reconnect faster...? it takes time to reconnect and load..is it optimised well...?
  13. Ow Stop It

    Ow Stop It Member

    19 Jun 2017
    Bingo! It's all about stability...I live in the sticks on lots of acreage, so my connection is inconsistent to say the least...I can play several different games just fine, but BB requires a CONSTANT connection...if I'm not on my wifi I lag out almost every match. It's the cost of playing a MOBA style game where there is no "single player" option. I can play Clash of Clans/Angry Birds/M:TG or whatever I want with the packet loss because the game can recover just fine...but in the heat of battle that 12-14 seconds just bubbled me enough that the game can't recover if your signal wasn't the greatest to begin with.

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