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Communication System

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by SneeZ, 15 May 2017.

  1. SneeZ

    SneeZ New Member

    13 May 2017
    You know what would be amazing to have in this game? yes, a Communication System.

    there are currently only 6 words that you can use to contact your teammates during a match. so the chance of your teammates to understand what you want them to do is so slim. for that reason, i've decided to create this thread to work alongside other battlers to create a proper Communication System by combining these 6 words. but first of all. we need to know what are these 6 words and what do they mean:


    "Attack!" : used to order your allies to attack the enemy team (the unfriends) directly.

    "Together!" : one of the most used command during a match. used to command your teammates to stick together.

    "Help!" : used to let your team know that you are in danger and need a back up as quickly as possible.

    "Capture!" : used to order your teammates to capture the main objective which is the big green circle that's usually located in between the 2 teams spawning areas.

    "Yes!" : usually means that you agree with your teammates orders or actions during a match. sometimes used as a way of celebration.

    "Negative!" : means that you disagree with your teammates orders or actions during a match.


    now that i explained each one of the communication words in the game. it's time to start talking about the Communication System. the Communication System includes orders designed by combining these 6 words by saying them one after another in a specified scheme. i'll take any good recommendations from the comments and put it in this thread so
    all the forum members can use it as a way to tell a specified order. and so they can understand it when other people from the forum tries to use it.
    the more people start to use this communication system. the less time will be wasted during a match trying to communicate with your teammates and failing. which leads to a guaranteed lost match.
    by far i've created these orders written below and will add any useful orders that will be suggested in the comments section.
    1x "Attack" + 1x "Help" = Attack the fixers.

    1x "Attack" + 1x "Capture" = engage with the enemy team near the capture points

    1x "Attack" + 1x "Together" = attack the same target.

    1x "Negative" + 1x "Attack" = don't engage with the enemy yet.

    1x "Negative" + 1x "Capture" = don't capture the objective yet.

    1x "Negative" + 1x "Together" = don't stick together. spread through the map.

    1x "Negative" + 1x "Attack" + 2x "Help" = don't attack the defenders.
    that's what i've got for now. let me know if you have ideas for other orders.

    rlxgenerate likes this.
  2. rlxgenerate

    rlxgenerate Active Member

    10 May 2017
    Thanks for the information...now if only we could get the 500k people playing to read this...and possibly have it translated into 50 other languages, we'd be in business!!
    Great post though.
  3. MyLittlePony

    MyLittlePony New Member

    6 May 2017
    That a good idea

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