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Choosing Your Favorite Map

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by TonyStar123, 18 May 2018.


Should there be a specific map matchmaking

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. I don't care

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  1. TonyStar123

    TonyStar123 Active Member

    22 Jan 2018
    Somewhere in Battle Bay ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    Even if some people are using the same strategy over if this was to exist, there will still be players using different strategy am I right?
  2. SeaNavy

    SeaNavy Well-Known Member

    31 Mar 2018
    1. Because you would verse people in your same infamy in the same maps, so it will be the same people.
    2. What do you mean "less diverse?" What you're suggesting will make it "less diverse." It's not going to make it more diverse. Also, as Hokuse has mentioned, choosing maps won't solve diversity problem. Also, the word "interesting" is an opinion. You can't say that I have to think that it's interesting. You have to back it up with evidence to make me think that it's interesting, but you're failing that part and saying it's interesting with no evidence.
  3. TonyStar123

    TonyStar123 Active Member

    22 Jan 2018
    Somewhere in Battle Bay ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    Well I have my opinion about this and I don't care what others say. And you're the one that started this whole "less diverse" thing
  4. SeaNavy

    SeaNavy Well-Known Member

    31 Mar 2018
    I know I said less diverse. I said it would be less diverse if this change occurred. I never said it's less diverse right now. And you're trying to get your point approved by saying "it's interesting" and you're not supporting it and just repeating it over and over again. Also, why are you on the forums if you don't care what other people say? This is a place meant for discussion, and if you don't care what other people say, then might as well leave.
    Spinners71 and wreck your day like this.
  5. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Uhm... You're on a forum and not a electronic diary...

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