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Cheating, battle Bay, please devs check this now

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by C.T, 23 Sep 2017.

  1. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    Why did I go through that when I knew what was at the bottom?
  2. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    That's the response I was expecting from Miika.
    Rainbow Warrior likes this.
  3. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    Rubber Duck dude. You are right, it shouldn't matter cause both the players were of the same guild. It shouldn't matter to THOSE TWO ALONE.

    Like my peers tried to explain, it is a team game and there are 4 different players on both teams who are not off the same guild.

    Say me and my team work my ass off to win and the last ship standing turns it into a joke by trolling the game whike against a guildmate or friend. Is that fair for ny team?.

    But yes, if neither was shooting, both need to be banned. However I would warn them before after all, the world isn't exactly known for common sense is it?.

    Technically speaking the game shouldn't be banning people for "common sense rules" that were never mentioned anywhere under rules and agreements (which is silly as this is the loophole most cheaters use as an excuse to do it and try ti get away with) but then again, their game isn't legally a public property so meh.
  4. C.T

    C.T New Member

    8 Jun 2017
    Well for me and others it's an issue, when you put your efforts to get a win, and the last to players left 1 with full Hp and the other 800 even so the speeder didn't attack the enforcer he just kept running crossing to block eagle Bay attacks till he get killed and then that happened
  5. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Now that is serious offence and deserves a permanent ban at the least.
  6. *Rubber Duck*

    *Rubber Duck* Well-Known Member

    9 Jul 2017
    Thank u much @Miika that's all I was looking for bud. Like I said I be live it's only happened once and I just wanted to know for sure to make sure NO one in ournguid does it again if it was bannable....thank you :)
  7. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    Hmm... And at first you were that convinced that there was nothing wrong despite all others trying to explain it to you... Next time plz use common sense.
    Shadow Moon! likes this.
  8. *Rubber Duck*

    *Rubber Duck* Well-Known Member

    9 Jul 2017
    And that to is a reason I wanted to know :) I personally have though about doing this if I ever ended up 1v1 with a guildie but I would never let him purposely stay alive the who game just so we could pull off a draw. I usually aim for guildies first but if by chance it got down to me and a guild member left I feel it's good to just shake hands, good game that dude and have a draw. Again idc ifnya wana hate or have a diff opinion, everyone's got one and that's aok ;) all things said by miika will be noted and if ya see anyone in a Revenants guild doing this feel free to let me know and it will be handled. Thank u all for ur opinions on the subject but mine is still the only one that counts in my mind :) good luck in the bay!!!
  9. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    Badass miika :p
  10. *Rubber Duck*

    *Rubber Duck* Well-Known Member

    9 Jul 2017
    I'm still convinced MY OPINIIN is right...but I wana follow the rules wich is why I said from the start I wanted to hear from the devs..but for some reason people didn't have enof "common sense" to not question me over and over and over esp after I said a few times I don't care about y'alls opinion, in trying to find out the rule
    Last edited: 23 Sep 2017
  11. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    Unfortanately it's still not a "rule". While on a pure technical basis you are accurate enough, in practice you are wrong, not just by my opinion and that of my peers but also in the eyes of the devs themselves.

    While sticking to every line in the paper isn't wrong, please do understand that there is a thin limit and people who behave like in the video are far across the "okay" part. Do not participate in guildmate fixing, not because the devs hate it but because it's ethically wrong.
    Shadow Moon! likes this.
  12. *Rubber Duck*

    *Rubber Duck* Well-Known Member

    9 Jul 2017
    .....omg.....we run a big organized guild, the subject has come up and I believe it's been done once befor from what iv heard, EVERYONE has an opinion on right and wrong! I don't want ppl in our guild spreading a bad name around BB, I don't want them getting banned if I can let them know not to do this......wich is y I wanted to know the "rule" there is no reason to push things any further, I have opinions and y'all do aswell and those opinions don't really matter in changing the way a person believes or thinks. So now we KNOW the "rule" then all is well and done :)
  13. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    i'm familiar with those 2... them being THAT "Bad" is NOT normal... that's all i'm gonna say
  14. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    Battlebay has 1 simple rule: ALWAYS PLAY TO WIN!!!... so did those 2 look like they played to win? meh... leave it to the devs to decide their fate... but if it was up to me, they are gone gone gone
  15. Zachiderp

    Zachiderp Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    I swear people like you don't understand sarcasm
  16. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Opinions opinions opinions. Please close this thread. We aren't talking personal logic. We talking game laws. And @Miika already closed it.
  17. C.T

    C.T New Member

    8 Jun 2017
    Well if someone please tell me how I do close thread
  18. Epekka

    Epekka Well-Known Member

    6 May 2017
    in the not too distant future
    I did them all :)

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