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Cannot see target past 40 range, Range perks useless on long range weapons.

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Miku Da Yo 39, 1 Mar 2018.

  1. Sifa

    Sifa Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Agree, I would also love to be able to switch boats but there isn't real chance to do so in this game. Heck, if not boats, I would at least like to use different weapons sometimes but even that takes months of work. I'm currently sailing between 3500 and 4000 infamy and it's totally out of question that I could try out new low level stuff just for testing purposes and maintain my infamy. I used to play speeder for a very long time and I used all my resources upgrading speeder stuff. But when I slowly figured out all the stuff I had stored in my inventory would better fit in a shooter it took me months of preparation to level up just the 3 new weapons I had stored. Yes, after all that work I was able to switch to shooter but I still suffered a loss of ~600 infamy and it took me weeks to recover to the point where I was with speeder. Now let's think how it would have ended if I wasn't prepared.
  2. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Were it not for the seal-clubbing penalty I'd just go ahead and change boats and drop whatever infamy I dropped. Easy come, easy go. As it is, that's not a workable strategy.

    Can I say again how ridiculous I find that rule of Rovio's? Let's be clear. I tank my infamy all the time. I never worry about the seal clubbing rule when I'm trying to lose. That is only ever a problem for me when I'm winning. The other night I pushed (and had a streak of really awesome teams) and my infamy bounced up from 1200 to 1700. That FREAKED ME OUT because now my new infamy floor is 900... forever. Let's be clear, at 900 infamy I'm going to see almost exactly the same boats as I do at 1700.
    PastelPiku likes this.

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