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Ban - Unexisting in game Rules

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by nosesabe, 24 Aug 2017.

  1. nosesabe

    nosesabe Well-Known Member

    24 Aug 2017
    I may have the gold but definitely not the time to upgrade them, and Of course I don't have the right weapons to play with other boats. And no... I was playing for fun. It's much better to be in a high league than to win all matches (in terms of resources) obviously.
    I've been playing the best I can since I started, prove of that is that I've reached and maintained 2900pts with a mk4 and my top weapons were rare lv30, when you do that call me.
    For once that I play around a little bit I got banned. So don't assume so much
  2. nosesabe

    nosesabe Well-Known Member

    24 Aug 2017
    Thanx Bennuator
  3. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017
    Well now you can play for fun and not get bonus.

    Play to win, because your team mates are and it sucks when people like you throw matches
  4. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    If you have the gold, you have the time, it's an instant upgrade. You already have the right weapons, you play Shooter. Shooter has the most gun slots; if you can outfit Shooter, all of your other ships are already geared.

    You didn't play around "a little bit", you lost 900 infamy. 900 / 24 = 37.5, so you played at least 38 matches on an inferior ship to get that far. I would estimate that you spent roughly an hour doing this, less depending on if you actually played or just suicided. You must have been having a lot of fun if the first, oh, 30 losses weren't enough for you. Sorry, I'm just not buying it at all.

    Dude, don't. My stats might be slightly less impressive, using a Mk 5 and maintaining 2400 when my top weapons are Rare lvl 20, but guess what? I didn't drop 900 and then get banned. Your ban ends soon, though, so the good news is that we'll all get to see how fast you rise back up. Right?
  5. Flying Bananasaur

    Flying Bananasaur Active Member

    13 Jun 2017
    Well, I hope this has a learning experience for everyone. I can only speak from a person that started right when global was launched, before the clubbing update, but after the well-settled people reached very high infamy. It used to be that people would seal club because it seemed reasonable and that everyone else was doing it. On paper it seems like a pretty good idea, given the better rewards and easier matches. Nobody thought that it was really a bad thing, in fact it kind of was expected if you, to keep in good economical and emotional shape. This was around the 2000 infamy and below range. In fact, when I was just an mk3, I reached around 2000~2100 infamy and thought it was too hard, given all the better ships I would see all the time. I was then told about in the global chat about seal clubbing, though just under the name infamy dropping. For a beginner ship like me, it sounded perfectly reasonable, not knowing how bad it is. I was never disciplined though and grew out of it when I joined a better guild. I'm sure it's this way now, as if you did not read the forums, you would have no idea what the term "seal clubbing" means. The only way I found out is because I went to the forums to check on the update that was coming out. I guess what I'm saying is that, in my opinion, there should be better communication between players, especially new ones, about the unacceptability of dropping infamy intentionally and warn them before it happens. I have no clue if there is anything as I saw nothing when I joined that even hinted to how bad seal clubbing is, less about what the term ment.

    Another thing is the problem of all ships sharing the same infamy. Having it based on all ships discourages people from trying out new ones, as the infamy drop would make them look like seal clubbers, regardless of mk status. Another issue in my opinion is the large, strenuous extra time investment it costs to get a different ship even fairly playable at their appropriate main ship's infamy level. Players should not be restricted from trying out new things because it will affect their standing and prestige, as it for the reason mentioned above. There shouldn't have to be an upgrade of mk level or weapons to try something different. You shouldn't have to switch to your main to prevent your infamy from getting too low. Time span of trying out a new ship should not be a factor. I believe that there should be a separate infamy for each ship, as every ship is upgraded separately an the weapons and play style are completely different for each. This would encourage players to diversify their arrangement as it offers a low-risk system as it isolates any infamy trouble and inexperience to that particular ship. The league ranking would still be decided on your highest achieved infamy that season but the matchmaking out be decided based on the infamy of the ship you are using. I feel that this would cause people to play other ships more and diversify the players' environment, resulting in greater enjoyment of the game. There's so much learning potential that playing different ships could offer and the applications to you main ship, such as learning enemy non same main ship tactics and even incorporating other common strategies of other ships into your mix. I understand that there are many different issues with this such as how equipment is going to factor in and if someone with really high experience or equipment decides to try out a significantly lower level ship. I'm not going to pretend that I even know the answers to any of these problems or anything about what the devs do to keep this game awesome. They have probably thoroughly thought through and combed this idea to pieces. I love this game and just want it and the community around it to thrive. I hope my ideas spur talk for a better Battle Bay! Feel free to disagree/agree on any of my points and make arguments!
  6. *Rubber Duck*

    *Rubber Duck* Well-Known Member

    9 Jul 2017
    I'd just like to say I'm glad u got to have fun trying a new ship befor u upgraded it to match ur main ship, and I'm srry to this teammates of yours who were just 1 game away from taking first in there league but lost that due to YOU and your "FUN". Sounds about like taking a 2 wheel drive to a mud park and crying when u get kicked out for getting stuck all the time. If u wanna play another boat grind out the gold and lol that shit up first, or start a alt account it's easy I have 3

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