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Balanced matchmaking ay

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Mamamyers, 15 Nov 2017.

  1. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    So, a Defender should always beat a Speeder, or Shooter, or whatever? Of course not! Because HP is not the only important factor...
  2. Kean

    Kean Member

    17 Nov 2017
    Defender is an exceptional case where their movements have deterred their battle style. Their HPS is to induce other ships to shoot them like punching bags so that other team mates can take advantage to kill the opponents. However, I don't think many Defenders have such mindset. Due to this is a shooting game, everyobe loves to shoot down some ships right?

    Again, the system won't put a 5K+ Defender against 2K+ ships. I encountered one 6K+ Defender in a battle lately. It is virtually impossible to shoot the ship down when the HPS is 3-times ours. The Defenders usually have similar HPSs like other ships on both sides. So, your argument won't stand a valid point here.
  3. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Since you are sub-1000 infamy, my assumption is that you just don't realize that things aren't exactly as you seem to believe.
    I'm bored today, so here's my response:

    It would be a boring game if there were only 1 type of ship. So they made 5! That's a wonderful thing, but they had to make each ship different, so they gave different strengths/weaknesses to each:

    - Defender has high HP, medium firepower, low mobility.
    - Shooter has medium/high HP, high firepower, low/med mobility.
    - Speeder has low HP, low firepower, high mobility.
    - Enforcer has medium HP, medium firepower, medium mobility.
    - Fixer has medium HP, low firepower, low mobility, but has a unique 4th strength: Heals.

    I think part of the reason you haven't observed some of these differences yet is because:
    The lower the ship mk, the lower these differences (like, yeah, Defenders don't have that much more HP than Shooters are mk2 or 3).
    But the higher the ship mk, the greater these differences.

    Yes, Defender's HP exists for them to draw lots of fire so that other teammates can take advantage and kill the opponents.
    But why don't you think most Defenders realize this? I play Defender and realize this, and the way I see most other Defenders playing, I think they all mostly realize this too. However, even if you're a Defender you know it's silly to just charge into the open with your chest puffed out... Draw fire, but don't be suicidal...

    Why wouldn't the game match up 5k or 6k HP Defender against 2k HP Speeders? In fact, that happens all the time (I know because I play a 2.2k HP Speeder, and a 5.2k HP Defender). I even see 9k Defenders from time to time...

    You said "It is virtually impossible to shoot the ship down when the HPS is 3-times ours."
    Again, I think this is just a perception at your infamy level,that just isn't the case if you go a little higher.
    At my infamy, if a 9k Defender wanders into the wide-open without backup, he'll be dead in about 20 sec if everyone focuses on him.
    No ship is safe. Least of all slow Defenders...
    In my 2.2k HP Speeder, it may take a minute or more, but I can 1v1 a 7k Defender pretty easily. I might not even take any damage. HP differential is not the whole story...

    I just think as you climb a bit higher, this will all become more obvious to you.
  4. Buzz...

    Buzz... Member

    23 Oct 2017
    Ok for me this topic is closed . If match making is not improve I don't think the game is worth playing
  5. What's Up Player

    What's Up Player Well-Known Member

    24 Jun 2017
    Ehm can somebody enlighten me how was this matchup fair?
  6. Kean

    Kean Member

    17 Nov 2017
    The algorithm of the app is set to limit your progress based on your ship attributes, available weapons (based on tier(s)), infamy and your $$ spent. Whatever they do is to "induce" you to spend $$$ on parts, pearls and gold. This is how they make $$. It's no point to debate on the matching system. Also, we have to deal with uncertainty like players' behaviors (i.e. selfish, coward,...the ugly ones, etc).

    Like it or not, we have to deal with it. This is life. Anyone can leave the game if they think is not fair, otherwise we have to keep playing till we find other better ones.
    Many players now use their alternate ships to maintain their infamy. For example, using a MK3 ship to equip with MK7 types of weapons so that they can easily win many battles. Life is like a bitch, no ones can win all the time except the selfish ones think so. Enjoy the bay till you leave.
  7. Kean

    Kean Member

    17 Nov 2017

    Again, your argument is pointless. I am sure if a defender can climb up to 9K HPSs level, is not a stupid fella. They know how to play the game well. I have not reached that level to comment on the situation. Hypothetically, the scenario will be the same at each level (based on infamy or battle level).

    You may find in one or two occasions when someone loses their mind to battle alone. Perhaps, sometimes they are unlucky to run into a bunch of ships because they do not understand the "map" very well.

    When everyone battles at the same level with certain basic knowledge of the game (map and team work), HPSs and weapons are important aspects to win the game.
    Like it or not, we will just have to build up our arsernal to deal with the battle situations. However, human behaviors will hurt you when you deal with some "selfish" fellas. Hope you don't feel this way when I make this comment.:mad::mad::mad:;)
  8. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    @The Grim Repair - I apologize for being AWOL for the last few weeks (busy @ work)... but can you (or someone) link me to what you came up with here?
  9. WaveMaker

    WaveMaker Active Member

    20 Jul 2017
    Friends 13063; Unfriends 13805 - so infamy wise it's not perfect - Friends had a small deficit of 742 an avg. of 30 matches worth of gains less than unfriends. But that isn't the whole story what was the highest attained by each set of players? (What are the average contributions each player offers at their current level of infamy?) With two fixers in the unfriends you would say the friends team was at a disadvantage from the start but one unfriend fixer did minimal healing. Only two ships were different in MK levels and it was one on each team so I'd honestly say that was balanced. One player on each team used an under leveled weapon so that is balanced. The fixer on the unfriends team (3784 pts. healed) did more healing with lesser leveled gear so I'd say that player was better skilled at fixer. Fleeting IMHO - has a more difficult task of making the game balanced but I don't think it was that bad. Without seeing a replay it's harder to say. Did your team stick together? Did their team protect the fixers better? ((Was it fair I dunno! but it was interesting to analyze.))

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