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Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Ades, 16 Jan 2019.

  1. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    Well im at 3500, so we will be getting a big difference in terms of season rewards and post match rewards.
    Find a fleet partner and try to climb out of that hole, with that number of battles under your belt, you should be in ace at least.
    If you want, send a screenshot of your inventory, and I will give you some tips in terms of loadout.
    I always use my strongest setup, and just rotate one slot on my shooter depending on guild quests.
    My contribution is usually around 60K per rivalry, so I know I am not holding my guild back either.
    Nikkie! and JoshW like this.
  2. Ades

    Ades New Member

    16 Jan 2019
    I guess you are not helping this matter instead you keep looking for a way to knock me down,,, do you think i won't have up to 3800 infamy if am having does legendaries have? And besides this days i care not about infamy instead i look more into quest rewards in achieving..
    Deep inside you, am so sure you know is unfair not to even talk of how frustrated i am with the game, or you think i don't have a dream of earning nightmare too? I have play this game longer enough to earn at least 3 legendaries so just pls just say something nice rather looking for a word to knock me down..
  3. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    I am not knocking you down.
    I have 7 legendaries, and I dont use any of them!
    My whole loadout uses epics, so do not worry about legendary parts.
    Show me your inventory and I will give you some tips :)
  4. Ades

    Ades New Member

    16 Jan 2019
    How can i show you ?
  5. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    Take a screenshot, and then upload it here.
    Or upload to an online image hosting website and post the link here :)
  6. NathanaelK

    NathanaelK Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2018
    Anyone out there…? :(
    There is a BB Subreddit. My in-game tag: #GDHYNGJQ
    Not sure anyone is talking about the question anymore, but I wouldn't mind seeing some kind of simple reward every Rivalry, like:
    500 × [Captain level] × [# of Members in the Guild]
    A smaller bonus could be given to Officers. That way people wouldn't see a benefit from having a one-man Guild, and could try to be loyal and become an Officer instead!

    I hope I'm not derailing your conversation.
    StrictSalmon307, Ades and benguin8 like this.
  7. Ades

    Ades New Member

    16 Jan 2019

    Attached Files:

  8. Sifa

    Sifa Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Wait? Your inventory is almost empty? What guns do you have stored in your ships? Could you also show your main ship setup instead of that Guardian?

    You say you have played for "4 years" a.k.a. long time but you don't have anything collected? Why do you still have rares? Where are all the epics? And no perks at all?

    Tbh, something is not right here.

    Have you:
    • Scrapped some / most of your epic items, possibly hoping to get legendary pieces?
    • Had long periods of inactivity?
    Because I'm just saying the truth here: people who have played for two years or more should definitely have tens of epic items, some of them t4 or t5. Basically your main ship setup should be full of t4 or t5 epics. You need to realize EPICS ARE THE END-GAME, unless you got a really, really fat wallet. Stop dreaming of those stupid t1 legendaries, they are no better than your t5 rares.

    So what you can do next? Show us what items you have stored in your ships and especially what do you use in your main setup. The screenshot you provided above raises more questions than answers.
    StrictSalmon307 and JoshW like this.
  9. Ades

    Ades New Member

    16 Jan 2019

    I will deploy all my weapons and epics backs to inventory so you can see it yourself.. Also i had no long time break on this game because i love getting daily reward.
    I will be right back with the pic.
  10. Ades

    Ades New Member

    16 Jan 2019
    Here are all i have.

    Attached Files:

  11. R4Z0R

    R4Z0R Well-Known Member

    11 Nov 2017
    why do u wanna know?
    everyones heads look funny tilting to the side like that when looking at the pic lmaaooo :p

    not meaning to derail
    Hellcat_17 likes this.
  12. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    @Ades I have been playing just over year and here is my inventory:
    Just to add, I am F2P also.
    I am not sure why you have so few epic items :(
  13. Ades

    Ades New Member

    16 Jan 2019
  14. Ades

    Ades New Member

    16 Jan 2019
  15. What's Up Player

    What's Up Player Well-Known Member

    24 Jun 2017
    But on the other hand.. You're MVP and he's not..

    Kurd1stan. and Ash KOT like this.
  16. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    I do not understand my friend where all your items are 0.o

    Have you scrapped a lot of epics?
    I have scrapped a lot and I mean like 40-50 epics.
    I still have:

    T5 Epic Blast
    T5 Epic Sniper
    T5 Epic Firebomb
    T5 Epic Flare
    T5 Epic Carronade
    T5 Epic Mine
    T4 Epic Big Shield
    T4 Epic Turbo
    T4 Epic Explosive

    I also have the parts to make a T5 epic overboost, T5 epic nitro, T4 epic tesla shield, T5 epic repair bolt, T5 epic repair box, T4 epic swift.
    I do not understand how you have played for much longer than me but have such little parts, and where are all your perks, they make a huge difference.

    Going from your inventory for the shooter I would use:

    Epic 40 Big Torp
    Legendary 10 Big Torp / Rare 50 Big Torp (whichever is best)
    Rare 40 firebomb
    Rare 50 sniper
    Rare 50 Blast
    Epic 37 Big Shield
    Rare 40 Small Shield / Epic 40 Bandage (your preference)
    Rare 50 Turbo

    I must say you really need to start collecting epics to progress in the game.
    Even at your infamy you will start finding plenty of T5 epics (I was stuck at around 2000 infamy for a LONG time) and you will get outmuscled with that gear.

    Also try and expand your inventory, with 35 slots you are really limiting the number of perks and items you can carry.
    Good luck!
  17. Sifa

    Sifa Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Yeah you obviously have made some strategic mistakes that have prevented you from progressing. You can't change the past anymore but if you wish to start the process now, then here's what you should do:
    • Keep all epic items you get and don't scrap any. Once you have collected 4 or more duplicates of same item, then you can start to build some epic t4 gear. If you already have some favourite weapons, aim to build them first.
    • Join a guild that completes 48+ quests every week. I know you might be the leader of your own guild but if your guild isn't doing enough quests it's really slowing down your progress. Guild raffle is highly important source of parts, powercells, item pieces and perks. Especially perks.
    • Don't worry too much about infamy because with your current gear you probably can't climb much higher. Just play to farm gold and sugar and try to make some progress with your ship, talents and items.
    benguin8 and Ash KOT like this.
  18. benguin8

    benguin8 Well-Known Member

    13 Jul 2017
    @Ades Can we also see your free parts list (materials)? I have to imagine you have thousands of epic parts and power cells saved up.

    Calendar days do not matter in battle bay but number of games do. And based on your number of games, you should have a ton of gold and sugar. What are you spending it all on? Im surprised you are only level 44 for captain too.

    @Sifa offered perfect advice. You have many uncommon and rare perks. Guild raffle will get you some epics and lots of gold.
  19. BoatBlaster

    BoatBlaster Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Here are a few problems/solutions for you account:
    Prob - "2 yrs" playing daily but captain lv. 44
    Solu - always have items training
    Prob - no legendary perk meant didn't play event and missed out on legendary pieces events
    Solu - play events, rewards are awesome
    Prob - pearl?
    Solu - save 3900 pearls for legendary chest (guarantee a legendary piece); also no more spent on any guild boosts (option).
    PS. Ace 1 rewards a legendary piece each season and continue uses you fixer. You have a great chance of completing repair bolts achievement (a legendary item)
  20. V__

    V__ Well-Known Member

    23 Jan 2018
    Reach to a higher league and get better items, easy solution. All rare can get you to Ace with some skill, with 10,000 games i guess you've got some trick under the sleeve. Dont use pearl to buy the 400 box, use them to boost training, save up to the container or the best way just simply buy more slot for you inventory and stockpile everything you get.

    And being a guild leader is nothing but a joyful momments with the team, working together to achieve bigger achievements.

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