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Competition AmericanMarauder's The Equality Games: A Toobers Special Event: Sign-Up Has Begun

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by American Marauder, 25 Mar 2019.

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  1. American Marauder

    American Marauder Well-Known Member

    10 Jun 2017
    CEO of The Skins Factory
    Fort Lauderdale, Florida
    Hey Everyone, we are really excited to announce our next event on April 20th:
    American Marauder's The Equality Games!
    Get your team of 3 together, load up your Uncommon Level 10 items, and see who is truly the best in a game where everyone is Equal!

    What are the Categories?
    There will be two categories for this event:
    Category 1 will be all ships level 40-45. This will start at 0900 EST (GMT-4).
    Category 2 is all ships level 46-50. This will start at 1100 EST (GMT-4).
    Remember that anyone can compete, including a level 10, but you will be at a health disadvantage!

    What are the rules?
    1.) Register you and your two other teammates at https://forms.gle/cMtuZuMcLSyoTJr89 . Follow the instructions in the registration form to be added to The Equality Games private channels. (Side Note: You can have up to TWO alternate players on your team in case someone can't make it. Only 3 players can receive prizes, and it will be on the team to decide who gets what.)

    2.) Start saving up your Uncommon Level 10 items. You can have duplicates of any item you want, but none can be more than Uncommon Level 10.

    3.) You can use any Turbo you want, including Legendary. HOWEVER, you can only use the regular Turbo Speed perks. You can not use any event perks or HP boosting perks.

    How are the games played?
    This will be a bracket style tournament. All rounds until the final round will be best out of 3. Final round will be best out of 5.

    What are the prizes?
    We’ve put together a prize package that blows away previous prize packages. 3 lucky winners in 2 categories will receive the following for 1st Place:
    Prize Package Includes (you get them all):

    1. The Official Battle Bay T-Shirt
    2. 2500 Pearls
    3. 500,000 Gold
    4. 100 Epic Power Cells

    Good luck to everyone! Let your skills pay the bills. You'll need to be a member of the Official Battle Bay Discord: https://discord.me/TheToobers or go in-game to the Menu / Community and TAP Discord icon.

    The Equality Games copy.jpg
    Last edited: 26 Mar 2019
    rexaroni likes this.
  2. NathanaelK

    NathanaelK Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2018
    Anyone out there…? :(
    There is a BB Subreddit. My in-game tag: #GDHYNGJQ
    Wow, this sounds awesome! Thanks! :)
    American Marauder likes this.
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