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Aim lock drops a split second too soon

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Radar O Reilly, 4 Nov 2017.

  1. Radar O Reilly

    Radar O Reilly Active Member

    28 May 2017
    Have you ever had the aiming reticle drop just as you are about to fire and your shot goes harmlessly into the water or rock or whatever. Frustrating!!!

    I was just locked on, I know the boat is right there behind a rock, I am aimed but my aim moves away right as I am about to tap. What the Fondoo! Can we get an aiming option to keep my reticle from dropping to a no-aim when my target ducks behind something and I am going to fire?

    I get it if in a target-rich field of view my reticle will pull off a disappearing target and swing to another, if I can hit the next boat targeted ( a green circle) then no problem but if my reticle drops to no hitable target that is when I get frustrated. I know where the boat is, I want to take the shot but the game prevents me from shooting effectively.

    I get that the automatic aiming is very complex in the game. Trying to get this kind of aiming policy worked int the algorithms is hard. However, I think there is a few scenarios where it makes sense to keep my aim where a boat was last seen, especially when there are no other targets ready to lock on to with the currently selected weapon.
    BasedCarpen likes this.
  2. xxxBISMARCKxxx

    xxxBISMARCKxxx Well-Known Member

    5 Jun 2017
    Do you know there is a button to lock target?
  3. • Percy •

    • Percy • Well-Known Member

    10 Jul 2017
    9th grader
    A hospital
    The fondoo XD
  4. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017
    Agreed, the disappearing and reappearing is WAY too aggressive as it is. I get that people hiding out of my line of sight shouldn't be visible to my 3rd person camera but Defenders completely disappearing behind a small buoy in Destruct 9 for example is just ridiculous.

    If I have sticky targets active and lock target on a ship my aim bullseye should stay at the last spot they were visible, not just drop back to default because they disappear right before I take a shot

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