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  2. Hey please check out our new forum Suggestions and Ideas found in the area "The Bay" - as we love all your ideas and want to collect them in one place, - please use it going forward. :) Thanks already for helping to make Battle Bay an even better experience. Remember: If your idea already exists - simply add your comment or like to an existing one so we avoid duplicates.
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Your Voice Adjusting the sails

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by The Grim Repair, 22 Nov 2017.

  1. This Is Me

    This Is Me Active Member

    16 Sep 2018
    What! They are not intended to fix it? Why?
    Last edited: 8 Oct 2018
  2. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Excellent idea! I would like to have a queue so as to accommodate multiple re-trains, which for makes an awkward several hours.
    HumpD 414 likes this.
  3. Controls like a unicycle

    Controls like a unicycle New Member

    5 Sep 2018
    [QUOTE="The Grimm repair
    Small improvements? 3.1 and 3.2 are a completely different game and definitely not an improvement! I do not even play my main ship anymore you destroyed my Fixer.
  4. Controls like a unicycle

    Controls like a unicycle New Member

    5 Sep 2018
  5. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    I would like a consistent view of my inventory regardless of what device I use.
    Currently my iPad shows inventory in 5 columns, but my phone shows 6.
    I mainly use the iPad, and so organise my inventory on the 5 column basis, and so inventory looks crazy when viewed on phone.
    PallabKumarS likes this.
  6. Rafael00X

    Rafael00X New Member

    11 Sep 2017
    I would really appreciate a confirmation button whenever we try to spend pearls (skip training time, purchase from shop, etc.) just to prevent unwanted wastage of pearls.
  7. Nuengtr

    Nuengtr New Member

    18 Oct 2018
    Dear sirs,

    I would sugguest to add "changing guild name".

    As I set up my guild since I was lv10+ and now I am already up to 50. The reason is I would like to play together with Thai people. But, now guild members growed up together and become to friend in real life. Many people want to stay in guild forever. However, as you see some guild names are suck, bad meaning or no related to current members. I saw one guild name "poland" but full with Thai people.

    Therefore, it will be great if we can change the guild name that we want.

  8. inder

    inder New Member

    24 Jun 2017
    Please have options in crew traing so that there is variety in weapons what a player want for example option in big torp if you want faster speed or more damage or in fire bomb if you want more.dmg or more time this way same level weapons will have some variety according to player style now all players have same dmg speed time in weapons once you max out traing and weapon lvl
  9. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    Could we get some visual cues in the new training talent area, so we’re able to see how far along each item’s total development is? Perhaps a Level indicator by the icons, or a % complete. That way you don’t have to click through every item, to see what needs training most.
  10. MGEV

    MGEV Member

    22 Oct 2018
    1. Inventory: an auto-sort function for all items in the bag, many MMORPG games have this function so you should know it should be
    2. Battle Report: add damage taken per boat to the report. If possible, include this factor for reward calculation if has not done so. A boat that soaks up damage far beyond its own HP deserves some recognition.
  11. FixerForever

    FixerForever New Member

    18 Oct 2018
    The very important one!
    Nagative command button toward individuals so people can fleet together as a group. No defender Rambos, no speeder kamikaze, no selfish shooter, no no-brainer fixer who runs away from group to fix rambo/kamikaze/selfish single user. What a dream!
  12. Sims

    Sims New Member

    21 Oct 2018
    You have raised damage for certain weapons, you have raised all hp for all the boats. But you haven’t touched the heal for the fixers (box, pulse, bolt or tape...) Or the the bandage for other ships... the damage is too high for weapons and the ships hp points are to high for the fixer to do any real healing and survive/save someone from death... think there should have been a little boast for the fixer with this. Since you nerfed are agility.
  13. WestKach1p

    WestKach1p New Member

    18 Mar 2018
    Hey , ur examples of what we could suggest is spot on.. why isnt it implemented yet, especialy the manage friends part is the best!!
  14. MGEV

    MGEV Member

    22 Oct 2018
    Ship appearance should change according to levels, ok to use the previous MK models. It is expensive to lvl up ship now, player needs to feel an accomplishment, not just the tiny HP.
    ShipCrusherCz and Epekka like this.
  15. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    A third screen in the after action report that tracks personal and guild quest progress.
    You could also choose one achievement to track on this page as well.
    Epekka likes this.
  16. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I would highly recommend changing all "Ship Pieces" verbiage to "Interceptor Pieces" and "Reaper Pieces". That's been a never-ending source of confusion amongst players.
    Aether_Zero, ShipCrusherCz and Icey like this.
  17. Icey

    Icey Member

    3 Nov 2018
    Hmm... how about skins for ships? Like the skins for Zeus and The Grim Repair looks awesome. Maybe you should let us get them in the game!
    ShipCrusherCz likes this.
  18. Icey

    Icey Member

    3 Nov 2018
    Can we do fleeting based on ship level and gear score difference instead of infamy difference? I've been wanting to fleet with some of my friends that have less infamy than me but they have around the same level and gear score as me. The problem is I'm usually the one that's big on pushing and some of my other friends aren't so big on that...
    envylife and ShipCrusherCz like this.
  19. Icey

    Icey Member

    3 Nov 2018
    I wonder why you gave these suggestions but you guys never added it in the game yet XD
  20. Sims

    Sims New Member

    21 Oct 2018
    Think it’s absolutely retarded that a fixer who has so much more repairs then someone come last in this “quest for a new ship” when clearly have the people suck and the only reason the game is close is because of skilled fixer. This is stupid you are punishing a fixer with low rewards . Need to be fixed ASAP or I am done spending money on this game. Shouldn’t be all about damage. Specially in a ctf the game type. Wow someone can hold on to a flag. Or get it. Defending flag or or flag carrier should be rewarded. Just like quake ctf or any othe FPS shooter. Seriously. Get it right this is stupid.
    Icey likes this.

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