mine fields are standard usage of land mines, never heard about field of naval mines (and I love history, especially military), BB is not trying to be realistic so I don't think that we need realistic use of mines

searched it, field of naval mines were used but they are not as effective as classic land fields, they could cause damage only if placed really strategicaly and mines were used in large numbers (for example some of the mines from WWII are still in water)
yep, mines aren't that cheap, they sink everything (friend and also enemy, no matter who layed the mine)
also mine laying ships can carry only really limited amount of mines thus making it impossible to create large fields in reasonable time without using tons of ships (and using them would warn the enemy so he wouldn't even enter the area)
also naval mines can move away from their original position and they could travel long distances if they had the time to do it so it would be dangerous to use them in really big numbers as it would increase the chance of "losing the mine"
you can see them but you don't know whether it is friendly or enemy mine and because we don't have true minesweepers the only way of going through mine field in BB is sending one higher level ship into the field and risking it's death
you also don't know how powerful the mine is so it could one-shot you if you had lower level ship
I know two minesweepers in this game
- defender+fixer combo: defender has higher health so it can withstand even doubled mine (mine which was layed right into another mine) and fixer (if not selfish) can easily heal the defender with his green items so the defender could carry on
- the hated ship variant-selfish fixer: they can be really useful in these situations (way blocked by mine field) as fixers are wider than other ships (maybe tied with defender, not sure) and selfish fixers have higher health than normal fixers (majority or maybe all of them run small shield and turbo) and their hp regen rate is unparalleled so they could quickly regen their hp after going through the field
or to fix this, devs might add
- new ship with reduced damage received from mines and with ability to have higher health and health regen (duct tapes if possible but it could also make the fixer obsolete if it could equip other green items), this could also move all selfish fixer players from fixers to this new ship thus making whinners happy
- make new item category: new item(s) for mine clearing, make it available only for defender to give it new role and possibility to finaly fulfill it's name, this new item(s) could either "stun" mines for X seconds (deactivate them), destroy them or make it possible to push them away
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