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840 coins for leg perk in current event

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Trinquette, 15 Apr 2019.

  1. Trinquette

    Trinquette New Member

    16 Oct 2018
    Moro !
    Thank you first for your great game.
    In the current event, being able to choose the weapon's perk is a nice idea, but as each chest costs 60 coins, it will need 840 coins to actually get the leg perk.
    3 solutions : being able to get ship pieces for 20 coins as before (my favorite) / change the chest price (40 or 80, the latter would deserve better chances to get rare or epic perks) / change the leg perk price (780/840 being the closest).
    Thank you !
    envylife and benguin8 like this.

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