1. Hey please check out our new forum Suggestions and Ideas found in the area "The Bay" - as we love all your ideas and want to collect them in one place, - please use it going forward. :) Thanks already for helping to make Battle Bay an even better experience. Remember: If your idea already exists - simply add your comment or like to an existing one so we avoid duplicates.
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wreck your day
Last Activity:
29 Jul 2022
29 Dec 2017
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somewhere, nowhere, and everywhere
Enforcer! And future ultimate selfish fixer >:D

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wreck your day

Well-Known Member, from somewhere, nowhere, and everywhere

Fancy I left for the better, the game's changed so much now. Plus, it was addicting and not that fun. Only hope and idealism spurred me on. 25 Dec 2018

wreck your day was last seen:
29 Jul 2022