1. Hey please check out our new forum Suggestions and Ideas found in the area "The Bay" - as we love all your ideas and want to collect them in one place, - please use it going forward. :) Thanks already for helping to make Battle Bay an even better experience. Remember: If your idea already exists - simply add your comment or like to an existing one so we avoid duplicates.
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4 Apr 2017
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Helsinki, Finland
QA Lead

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Developer, Male, from Helsinki, Finland

nerf nerf nerf 5 Apr 2017

Zeus was last seen:
12 Mar 2019
    1. Romario
      About the new battlhe bay update? ...unacceptable * . * Ruined the only boat I usually play in the speeder case, I spent a lot on this boat, gold, sugar, time and the main one of all that is money in specie ... in total I spent R $ 620 Real (BRL) (USD) 188.2
    2. inder
      Hey zues what if sniper only did critical hit damage when atleast a certain distance away or hits the ship dead front or back not from the sides . Myabe when sniper can't be seen this critical hit damage when they are just few inches away anytime is not sniper like behaviour. Hope u read it and give it a thought
    3. EndWaller
      Hello, I was in a battle with a speed hacker, don't know where to report him so i'll just do it here. His name is Calipso. and his player tag is #SBRBZFWD. I saw him speed hacking and turned on my screen recorder here is the link to the video https://youtu.be/V7PRt_Fa23w.
    4. Mr.rich
      Ready to play
    5. Daniel Bastos
      Daniel Bastos
      Olá Senhor Zeus. Minha Conta Foi Suspensa por 7 Dias Injustamente. Fui Suspenso porque baixei minha Infâmia para Gravar um Video de "Dicas para Iniciantes". Sou YouTube divulgo o Battle Bay no meu Canal e posto videos toda semana Abrindo Container Épico e Ajudando iniciantes e Batalhas. Meu Nick é "Daniel Bastos YT". Aguardo Resposta Por Favor.
      1. Romario likes this.
    6. ImmaCerealKillerBay
      Hi Zeus.I recently spotted a hacker in battle using speed hacks.I killed him before in a battle.If possible, please ban him.His in game name is JackSparrow47.
    7. RTS2
      I wrote a global chat blog and saved a different account on my account. I did not know that it was forbidden to make a clear command with a friend. You can review the Tum game log. It will certainly not be. Can you help me with removing the ban and putting the account back into the game
      Email adress: tolgauysal64@gmail.com
      Thank you
    8. BirdFly
      If you give warning but not ban I'll fckin destroy your daughers clitoris I swear
    9. BirdFly
      ready for the ban bro
      bring it
    10. FrugalWhythe
      Hello Zeus!Will you ever add trading system into the game?
    11. Piscesn
      I think I made some mistakes. I want to ask how long my ban will be.
    12. AndreisHigh
      Hello Zeus! Why am i still in challenger league if my infamy is 800?
    13. Alexandr
      Hello! Can't write in the General chat, why? Please help! My room in the game #QCXWRKJJ
    14. Elkardirov
      Bonsoir je me permets de vous contacter car j'ai des idées afin de vous aider à améliorer quelques petites détails est ce que ce serait possible de faire faire des battle par niveau de capitaine par exemple les niveaux 1 peuvent tomber contre des niveaux 2 et ainsi de suite et dans votre calendrier rajouté quelques pack genre au bout du 7ème jours de connexion un pack épique
    15. Qwertyuiopasdfghjkl
      I have a suggestion for update 2.4
      Homing Torpedoes
      Locking charge: 5 secs
      Low damage
    16. Rahumath
      Yo umm.. So is it possible to fleet up with more than one person at the same time
    17. Sidz
      Sorry addressing directly. Is there a list of the perks available in the game?
    18. Alpha.BK
      Please,how can i join a guilde ?
      1. Rahumath
        Easy ! find a guild which isn't full and join
        19 May 2017
    19. Prince Christian
      Prince Christian
      Please help me, I dont know how to upgrade my sniper cannon to tier 2 for it needs another one. How?
    20. OopsV1
      Sorry Zeus for the horrible comments I've said. I've moved passed the issue I was having, and wasn't having the greatest of days so I hope we both can be friends and Battle the Waters together!!!! Long live Battle Bay!!!!!!