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29 Mar 2017
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Developer, from Finland

I'm actually allergic to pines ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 25 Apr 2018

    1. BooM
      Hello I have a problem in my account in every battle that won I do not give stars and I have missions of stars, gold and sugar is much less than the winning. Well thanks and I hope you can solve
      1. Pinecone
        It happens if you drop your infamy
        24 Jul 2017
    2. _Mr.killer_
      How to write thread??
      1. • Percy • likes this.
      2. Pinecone
        19 Jul 2017
      3. SupremeCalamitas
        You go to a topic (E.X general discussion) and in the top right corner you will see a button that says 'create new thread'
        27 Mar 2018
    3. The Otherguy
      The Otherguy
      Sorry to bother you again, but is @SweatyBeaver banned? I haven't seen him in ages.
      1. Pinecone
        We don't disclose who we ban, sorry
        19 Jul 2017
        • Percy • likes this.
      2. The Otherguy
        The Otherguy
        I thought so. Thats fine.
        19 Jul 2017
        TheFixer27 and • Percy • like this.
    4. The Otherguy
      The Otherguy
      Do you know which file starts the program?
      1. • Percy • likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. The Otherguy
        The Otherguy
        Battle Bay. I want to start it from a different user, but I can find out how. If I try to install it on that account, it doesn't work on either account. (I think it might have something to do with both accounts being admin.
        17 Jul 2017
        • Percy • likes this.
      4. Pinecone
        The file that "starts" the game is, technically, classes.dex, not sure how that's going to help though
        17 Jul 2017
        • Percy • and The Otherguy like this.
      5. The Otherguy
        The Otherguy
        Thank you. I was trying to get it to work for my brother. (Same device, different profile.) But I guess he will have to wait.
        17 Jul 2017
        • Percy • likes this.
    5. D1sk
      Здравствуйте. В одном из боев было бездействие команды противника. Ни один из игроков противников не бился. Проверьте возможно это какая то ошибка. Я записывал стрим. Если будет нужно могу дать ссылку на видео. Ссылка : https://youtu.be/hYWE5lGP7Ds на 42:27 начало боя в видео.
    6. Daniel Bastos
      Daniel Bastos
      Olá Senhor Administrador minha Conta Foi Suspensa por 7 Dias Injustamente. Sou YouTube e Preciso Criar Conteúdos todas as Semanas para Postar Vídeos novos de Battle Bay.
      Baixei Minha Infâmia Para gravar um vídeo de "Dicas Para Iniciantes" e Assim ajudar Os Iniciantes e Fui Supenso Injustamente. Espero que resolvam o Problema.
      Meu Nick: Daniel Bastos YT
      Canal no Youtube: Daniel Bastos Battle Bay.
      1. • Percy • likes this.
      2. Pinecone
        22 Jun 2017
      3. Daniel Bastos
        Daniel Bastos
        Hello Sirs Administrators, My Account Has Been Supposed For 7 Days. I am YouTube and I was downloading Infamia to Record a Video of "Tips for Beginners" thus helping beginners, I hope answers. I'm Youtube and I'm taking Battle Bay to my Channel Two Veses in the week, Correct this please
        23 Jun 2017
      4. Daniel Bastos
        Daniel Bastos
        My UserName: Daniel Bastos
        Channel to YouTube: Daniel Bastos Battle Bay
        23 Jun 2017
    7. Alexandr
      Hello! Can't write in the General chat, why? Please help! My room in the game #QCXWRKJJ
      1. • Percy • likes this.
      2. Pinecone
        You're chat banned for a few hours, the reason was "general vulgarity".
        31 May 2017
        • Percy • likes this.
    8. SpaceDan
      I didnt receive any suspension, its permaban all of a sudden.
      1. • Percy • likes this.
    9. SpaceDan
      Wow, very nice for not giving a banned player a second chance.
      1. Pinecone
        That's why we have temporary suspensions for lesser offenses. If you got permabanned outright it was probably for something very bad.
        27 May 2017
    10. SpaceDan
      You mean once im banned its over? No solution?
      1. Pinecone
        27 May 2017
    11. SpaceDan
      How can i play again? Im on IOS platform.
      1. Pinecone
        If you're banned, you can't
        27 May 2017
    12. SpaceDan
      Can you help me? Ive benn banned for almost 3 days idk if im pemanently banned or idk pls help. IGN: SpaceDan
      1. Pinecone
        If it's permanent, it says "banned" in the box title, "suspended" if it's temporary.
        27 May 2017
    13. Insta
      Hey, are you part of the support team? please pm me.
      1. Pinecone
        Nope, I'm a programmer.
        12 May 2017