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Comments on Profile Post by Da Carronade King

  1. Aswin
    Really? I don't remember, how was the match? Got the match reply?
    26 May 2018
    Da Carronade King likes this.
  2. Da Carronade King
    Da Carronade King
    It was over a day ago so, I can't remember how it went exactly. Ur side won though by 1 kill.
    26 May 2018
    Aswin likes this.
  3. Aswin
    Let me check my replays , I surely wanna see your play style ;)
    26 May 2018
    Da Carronade King likes this.
  4. Da Carronade King
    Da Carronade King
    I saw you in more than one match. In at least one of them you won. Not sure about the other.
    26 May 2018
    Aswin likes this.
  5. Aswin
    I usually don't look at the player's name , have to look. ;)
    26 May 2018
    Da Carronade King likes this.
  6. Da Carronade King
    Da Carronade King
    I even went on global and said Aswin after tagging you around that time. I think you replied
    26 May 2018
    Aswin likes this.
  7. Aswin
    Yeah, I have seen that
    26 May 2018
    Da Carronade King likes this.