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Helsinki, Finland
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Developer, Male, from Helsinki, Finland

nerf nerf nerf 5 Apr 2017

Zeus was last seen:
12 Mar 2019
    1. T rx
      T rx
      Do interceptor event will come again
    2. Levinson Contreras
      Levinson Contreras
      today I bought a level 47 account to a boy named lisandro vallejos walls after 5,000 pesos Dominican pay him everything, but when I enter I discover that someone else is using it, apparently an Argentine, I have proof that if I buy the account, I do not want to be victim of fraud Please you are the only ones who can help me.
      My account is: levinsonelmakina07@gmai.com
      FB: Levinson D Contreras Muñoz
      1. Ash KOT
        Ash KOT
        Rovio cannot help you with this.
        This is why buying / selling accounts is prohibited.
        28 Sep 2018
        Redneck Messiah likes this.
    3. Danny Bitner
      Danny Bitner
      Yes sir. I just changed my name for the first time and it charged me 1000 pearls. I went ahead and hit it because I didn’t think it would actually charge me. I thought it would change for free. Can I get refund back please. Thanks
    4. JJ7jj
      Hi there, in the new version of ‘capture the flag’ players get rewarded for carrying the flag even if they don’t deliver it. Now very often players keep carrying it without delivering for more coins, eventough the rest of the team loses because of this. In this case one player gets 10 coins and all the other players almost none. Can perhaps something be done about this?
    5. Remy
      Bonjour, êtes vous au courant du gel des comptes lors de la connexion au jeux? Quand y aura t'il une rectification du bug? et es ce qu'il y aura un dédommagement ?

      Hello, are informed you of the frost of the accounts during the connection in games? When will be you there a rectification of the bug? And be what there will be a compensation?
    6. Kadir Sayyed
      Kadir Sayyed
      Hi Zeus, by mistakenly my nephew scraped all of my weapons. Is there any way I can get it back ? I am a VIP member. I don't needs parts I need my weapons back. Can you Please help me out with it ?

      My account is: b28f3f32-904b-4e01-bacb-b3fe9a3703e1
      In-game name: • HITMAN •
      Tag: #CYLSTSPB
    7. R4Z0R
      just realised u from Helsinki mate, thats where SUPERCELL are based as well, u friends with any of the boom beach devs or anything? :)
    8. The Friendly Fixer
      The Friendly Fixer
      Zeus When well Speeder and Defender well get a Buff???? May I ask
      1. The Otherguy
        The Otherguy
        No you may not :P (ask)
        27 Apr 2018
        Ultrah likes this.
    9. Webb
    10. Mastanvali Shaik
    11. Ser Tomaz
    12. niak_mersrine
      Please stop money rob!!! now i know you have modified the guild raffle data, and make us much more difficult to draw useful items !!!
      furthermore, you smart system knows which weapon or equipment with highly using frequency we are lack of, you have to buy it!
      Just tell you, i never saw a game like battle bay that makes money by any means necessary! no sustainable strategy....
      Now i will stop this game!
    13. Cunning Stunt
      Cunning Stunt
      Hello, I’m wondering if you know if it is normal to have 8 consecutive bonus raffle boards without a legendary weapon piece? If so perhaps the raffle token cap could stand to be larger. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do for our great game,
    14. EyeOfDoom
      Zeus, got a question for you. If I don't roll my legendary raffle round this week, will it stay at legendary round when raffle resets? If yes then is it going to same items or new items?
      1. • Percy • likes this.
      2. • Percy •
        • Percy •
        When raffle resets, the items are new ones. And yes, the legendary round will stay a legendary round. Tried it. Hope that helped! :D
        22 Dec 2017
    15. SlAyEr
      If enemy hits a frozen target, frozen effect is undone. But what if a friend hits another friend who is frozen.
      Will it remove the effect?
      1. • Percy • likes this.
      2. Zeus
        15 Nov 2017
        SupremeCalamitas likes this.
    16. Beervk
      Hey I have a guild And we were first for more than 2 days
      And when we were close we end one quest before 41 us , then they were 40 then becomes 41 and we are second
      1. Beervk
        Don’t hide or ignore me I want answer now very angry
        8 Nov 2017
    17. Ultrah
      Nice red color! How come I don’t get a kool color when I message like Grim?
      1. • Percy • likes this.
    18. Hastal123
      Hi zeus do you agree that enforcer mk6 should have 4 slot points for the 3 red slots so we can put a 2 point weapon?
      1. Babablacksheep
        His enforcer has a railgun equipped, foreshadowing they might give what you asked for (JK would make enforcer crazy strong)
        8 Nov 2017
    19. fixaguy1001
      hi tubz doing ?
    20. sagdrag
      what is this dude my account suspended i invested like 200$to this game no reason supended for maintainance come on