1. Hey please check out our new forum Suggestions and Ideas found in the area "The Bay" - as we love all your ideas and want to collect them in one place, - please use it going forward. :) Thanks already for helping to make Battle Bay an even better experience. Remember: If your idea already exists - simply add your comment or like to an existing one so we avoid duplicates.
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Comments on Profile Post by OE • Zumbapasta

  1. TheAntiSnipe
    Sure, create a thread! Everyone thinks frost got nerfed too hard, so we're all looking for good solutions.
    13 Jan 2018
    Nikkie! and Bradley Thorinsson like this.
  2. OE • Zumbapasta
    OE • Zumbapasta
    I just made it at suggestions thread, please have a look and shout out to everyone, so the dev might consider it. Many Thanks!!
    13 Jan 2018
    vis1234567899 likes this.
  3. vis1234567899
    He is not a dev.
    He is a half dev, lol
    15 Jan 2018
    Da Carronade King likes this.
  4. Babablacksheep
    You will be banned ....This dev like to ban a lot
    17 Jan 2018
    Disguised and vis1234567899 like this.
  5. Da Carronade King
    Da Carronade King
    No no, this dev likes to delete a lot
    4 Mar 2018