So this is a topic that’s has been on my mind the very first second I created my guild. Could the guilds use a size increase? Maybe people have mentioned it before but I haven’t seen anything like it.
First: It would greatly help with quests seeing as most guilds get caught up with the 4th board and can’t get past it. Maybe even allowing guilds to progress to the fifth board.
Second: It could solve some problems with guilds getting stuck on certain quests. More members means a better chance of being able to complete that quest.
Third: I think it will allow for more chat within the guild. Sometimes it gets lonely and there’s nobody there to talk lol. But that part might just be me.
Forth: It would greatly benefit leaders in being able to sort out guilds and bring in new and better players. With only 25 people it can be a challenge to see who gets to stay.
P.S. There are some other ideas I’ve thought about for the guilds..
There needs to probably be more ranks for guild members. Maybe an elder or something similar. It’s under coleader but above member. Give the members something to work for you know?
Next this is crucial!!!! The leaders / co leaders need a message all button that will allow them to create a message that will go directly into the guildmate’s inboxes. It’s tough to communicate with my guild sometimes so I think this would be a great improvement.
Some other side things we could look at would be guild boosts, maybe something that we could use that would allow the memebers to get more XP or gold or sugar for a short period of time. Or better yet have permanent bonuses for the guild in terms of gold, sugar, or XP. But something small like 5% max or something similar. The guild would have to gain XP to lvl up to obtain these bonuses. And what better way to do this than to compete in guild wars?? The place the guild earns will determine the XP the guild will earn.
Also please have some sort of cool down period between guild wars. It’s a mess if you try to hit the guild wars day after day.
Let me know what you all think please!

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