I guess you are thinking of doing the same thing you complained about in your previous post. Infamy tanking is bad. The players that you said are at 500 infamy with mk5 are either not that good yet or are tanking infamy. Think how you feel and if everyone does the same more will be here to complain about matchmaking as well.
Yes maybe match making sucks but really, just deal with it. You also said you can take on mk4 and mk5 ships and beat them. And that you have the skill required to go up in infamy. My suggestion, get a bigger boat and then move up. You can not go all the way on a mk2. If you can beat ships 2 tier higher than your current one it will be even easier with mk3 or mk4 right? That way you can climb up in infamy.
To be honest, your skill means nothing when you face higher tier weapons. Mk2 shooter with 700hp is a one shot against rare/epic weapons, literally. I play with a mk5 speeder now and I have been through this as well. Same was for the top players of this game. If everyone could climb the infamy ladder without upgrading ships/gear it will get more frustrating when other ships have 4 times your hit points and can dish out your entire hp in one shot. Then you will complain about other ships with OP weapons.
Upgrading you ship and gear is the only way to move up, believe it or not. It's how this game is and it's the same for everyone. You will hit a ceiling eventually with any mk ship or gear and you will have to upgrade your ship/gear or develop you skills if you already have highest possible ship and gear available. Be patient, keep going and you will climb higher.
Good luck.

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