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End Power Cell use for upgrades.

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by *JAWS*, 22 Oct 2017.

  1. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    Power Cells are a part of this game that is redundant and unnecessary to continue.

    F2P player will be rocked by this trinket when trying to level weapons. And is clearly a P2P advantage. As a p2p player I am writing this thread for the end of all power cells.

    Here's why.
    You need Gold, Sugar, parts and pieces for every weapon. Whether common thru Legendary. So for the majority of weapons or boat items. That's already 4 things to collect. To grind out time for Or to Spend money on.

    The Adding Power cells as an additional item is massive overkill.

    Like needing to roll 7's not 4 times in a dice game....but 5 straight times.

    Game Developers. End this arbitrary item and give everyone back a corresponding part to the number of power cells they have in their inventory.

    This thread is pointing out a flaw in the game that can be ended.
    BattleRascal, ECTO_1a and behumble like this.
  2. ECTO_1a

    ECTO_1a New Member

    8 Jun 2017
    this game is 100% P2W (pay to win). i dont think they would consider anything that might make them less money but honestly i have never had a problem not having enough power cells
    Joey who likes this.

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