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[Feedback] - guild quest exploit and actions

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by The Grim Repair, 13 Oct 2017.

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  1. Rock'N'Rolla

    Rock'N'Rolla Active Member

    21 May 2017
    Don't forget that u are playing with real people. So the rules can be close to real life ones.
    If u steal something in real life u give it back AND go to jail.
    U've stolen lots of tokens from devs and people who earned them in fair way.
    U gave them back AND got punished with rolling ALL your progress back, not tokens only. That's completely fair.

    Please keep in mind that in most MMO games players get PERMABANs for abusing exploits.
    And don't tell me that it's devs mistake. Of course it is! Every in-game exploit is devs mistake. But abusing that exploit is YOUR mistake only.
  2. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    Do everyone else a favor. Permanently ban yourself.
    Bo Oetjen and EyeOfDoom like this.
  3. Boaty McBoatface

    Boaty McBoatface Member

    10 Oct 2017
    But if somebody from the governing body said its a clever way of stealing and no punishment will come, what do you think will people do?
    i only started farming after i saw that message. i will post it later when i get a hold of that screenshot. probably will be deleted by the mods right after because they are all about transparency.
  4. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    Honestly, I thought the punishment would have been a bit worse and when i talk to some "farmers", they are happy about the outcome of it.
    It was the best way to deal with it. Especially, when you read the EULA that specifically says otherwise.

    Just want to point out, the book was already written in here compared to the thief/society =)

    They got very luck, that's all there is to it.
  5. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Read it. Now don't tell rovio didn't read it for you or they didn't had separate way of communication. Those are terms and conditions, you didn't follow those you got punished.
  6. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    Only perm ban can be worse than this:(
  7. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    Please post the same screenshot but with some arrows pointing out to what it says. Apparently people can't read in here =)

    Edit : correction
    *Rubber Duck* likes this.
  8. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Dude permanent ban is so so worse you can't compare it to anything. I used to play a game Brothers in Arms 3. I played it for like 8 months honestly, but then hack came out and everyone was just roasting me. So I tried too along with all others who cheated I got a permanent ban. I stopped playing but I loved that game very much but can't complain what I did was wrong.
  9. Evilchicken235

    Evilchicken235 Well-Known Member

    18 Aug 2017
    CSIE Student
    According to all the MMOs I’ve played, they don’t dish out bans/rollbacks without warning and statements. They surely don’t keep quiet and not reply for a week when issues are addressed to them. I’d be happy to pay back every token I gained “illegitimately” three times over but rolling back all the time spent and items gained legitimately even after we stopped guild hopping without giving proper warning is just unacceptable and unprofessional in my own opinion.
  10. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    A 2/3 days ban isn't worse than perma ban.
    In a lot of companies (games as well), using an exploit results in a permanent ban. Usually it's an IP ban.
    Here is just a "you used the exploit even though you knew you shouldn't have, we just take it back so you can enjoy doing it again, in a legal way".

    Seems good and lucky if you ask me !
  11. TheCrisco

    TheCrisco Active Member

    2 Aug 2017
    @Bunta Eh, the punishment is right about what I expected, personally. I've not seen anyone that exploited happy about it myself, but most of my experience with farmers is via these forums. Either way, I don't disagree, the rule was in the EULA, but we all know nobody reads those (despite ignorance being no excuse), so there will always be arguments that it wasn't written anywhere. I just decided to take that to its logical conclusion as though there actually wasn't a written rule about exploiting. It was clearly wrong, even if it truly hadn't been explicated beforehand. Acting shocked about being punished now is just silly.
  12. *Rubber Duck*

    *Rubber Duck* Well-Known Member

    9 Jul 2017
    Please read the highlighted areas!

    20171013_151714.png 20171013_151847.png
  13. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    I know but for those who read our comments, they would maybe made more sense to them.
    Either way, we can agree to this.

    It's like accepting new TCs without reading it and then blame later when they shouldn't have done something.
    It's like not reading the small fine prints in a contract.

    I guess ignorance is bliss but in that case, ignorance is rovio/devs fault ? Lol
  14. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    Nope, its a clever strategy. Rather than banning you and becoming strict bad guys. They just took everything away and turned me(OR us) into quitting whiners. Anyways won't argue with any non cheater, i loose, you win. AND for you bunta gaining a one or two epic perks won't give a power of tier 5 legendary. Ssly if you believe me i didn't find amy perk that useful (so did all cheater) they just sold them to get mk5s or buy parts. For which i suffered a heavy loss
  15. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    You forgot the "you may not use the Service to harm anyone or to cause offense to or harasse any person or DISRUPT THE SERVICE IN A WAY THAY MAY NEGATIVELY AFFECT OTHERS' ABILITY TO FULLY ENJOY THE SERVICE"

    Have to point out EVERYTHING to them ;)
  16. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I’ll be sorry to see you go. I have always enjoyed reading your posts on the forum. It’s a shame that you feel you have to leave a game that you enjoy over some misplaced sense of principle.

    I’m sure it stings more than any salt has stung before, and you’re understandably upset. I would be absolutely gutted if my account got rolled back, just because I made an error in judgement.

    Maybe when you’ve had a little time to cool off, you’ll realise that the exploit basically broke the economy, and something had to give. Even though you lost some progression, it’s not the end of the world, and if you leave now you’ll be missing out on all the good progress you can make legitimately with the new update (which is still way faster than before). You’ve put a lot into this game, and what you ‘deserve’ is to enjoy what is actually a really amazing update. Don’t end up cutting off your nose to spite your face.

    I don’t think anyone here wants to flame or insult you. I hope in time you will reconsider.
    Last edited: 13 Oct 2017
  17. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    I don't get why some people still complaining about their punishments for exploiting. When you're exploiting something, you know right there and then that's it's something you're not suppose to do. You get what's coming. Either shut up and continue to play BB or quit.

    I want to shout out to my guild (#MUTINY#) that we didn't have a single member exploiting. Everyone stayed put. We have rivals that completed 42 tasks. I didn't know there is a board after 'difficult'. My guild never completed more than 33 tasks. I was never much of a guild person but joined them about 2-3 days before the guild update.

    Lastly, thank you Rovio.

    P.S. I just realized why I have 153K tokens in my account from this thread.
    TheCrisco likes this.

    FUSIBLE New Member

    9 Jul 2017
    Captain Gilligan likes this.
  19. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    I have to say, @*Rubber Duck* highlighting skill is terrible. He should use some kind of exploits to make a straight line when highlighting.
    Bo Oetjen likes this.
  20. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    I'm still rocking a few rare perks but something people seem to not realize is the chance to get epic items/perks/legendary pieces (for free) by playing in a "funnier" way.
    The more you play, the more you get.

    I saw rare builds going to full epic build in a week. Getting legendary items in that week. Perks included.

    Please tell me, how is that fair to those who didn't use the farming exploit ?

    You may not have farmed a lot but a lot of players farmed like crazy, going 400k tokens per day.

    I saw screenshots of players getting MASSIVE items/perks.

    Example : Akagi, leader of RNG, played for over a year (soft launch). Dude is rocking an almost full rare build.
    How is it fair for him than in a week, people get to have what he couldn't have in a 1+ year ?

    Again, every programs/games will have some exploit. Nothing is perfect but the EULA clearly states it's in violation of the Game (The Service), after the announcement, a lot of players kept farming. They thought it would be fine.
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