I read the entire thread and likes a bunch of posts. There's an immense amount of good ideas and thoughtful topics here. Ones that I have never thought of.
(These are my opinions)
One thing that continues to confuse me to this day is WHY do we not get ANY info on ANY upcoming content. I'm not in anyway asking for detailed information on what to expect. But even if the devs said "We have something new coming", that would make all of us curious and hopeful.
Recently I've watched some reactions to the "then new" DLC for Super Smash Brothers. The creators let the community have a say in which characters they wanted. And then out of nowhere they would release a new character and all the fans would go crazy with excitement. They gave the community something to look forward to! And they had a say in it.
Now unless I'm blind (which is a possibility) I have not seen any news on anything regarding updates. Everyone's suddenly asking about it, and the only response they get is pretty much....................nothing
This is what I have heard:
- there is roughly monthly updates
- August is break time/chill time for the staff
Well...its been a month, nothing is here... we haven't heard a single spec of info regarding anything new. Is there going to be an update this month? Are they planning something HUGE!? I have no idea, no one here has any idea (As far as I know). For all we know there could be no updates coming. we...don't...know.
The main thing I'm trying to get at here is WHY aren't we getting any information? Why do the devs continue to let us pound them with questions and you give no answers with substance to quiet us down?
I really hate saying things like this, I hate causing conflict, and I don't want to cause any arguments. These are all just my thoughts. I'm currently waiting on the sidelines here for anything new, because once there is something new, I'm going to pounce on it

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