i could spam this thread with similar matchups...
i had one earlier today which we had an mk4 and enemies an mk7... devs need to fix this... it is frustrating for everyone, for us cause we know already we are going to die almost instantly, and for nightmare players cause simply there is no challenge... i mean i want to play this game, and not just run the map trying to dodge the shots or hug the fixer (but that's never enough), then get closed by mk7 speeder flare explo stun half hp explo again i'm dead...
how hard it takes for the devs to make nightmare players just get matched up between them? like 3.8k and plus gets nightmares and that's it, why match up nightmares with 3k not?
that's also why people drop infamy.
i am at 3k not and i costantly get matched up with players with 1.5k+ over my not, with the same ratio i should also get matched up with 1.5k total not players, but that doesn't happen.
Devs either cap max not in the matchup at 3,8k i'd say (as per lower cap which i believe is 2.8k min not or something, never seen anyone lower than that)
or if 3k players need to sort out 4.5k even 5k players, then put them in battles against 1k and 1.5k not also.

but that is very unbalanced isn't it?
@Miika @ZeusClick to expand...