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Ace 1- nightmare struck

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by behumble, 26 Aug 2017.

  1. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    For those of us at Ace 1, it isnt unusual to be paired up with nightmare league players.
    Here id like to see the battles with someone way out of your league.
    Little star struck playing with banderas. it was pretty one sided for unfriends.....banderas took out that defender like a god damn champ
    Miathan and Joey who like this.
  2. Ian

    Ian Well-Known Member

    29 May 2017
    Yeah I dunno it's cool at first but after a while... annoying getting 1 star over and over lol IMG_0694.PNG
    Miathan and behumble like this.
  3. Zangetsu

    Zangetsu Well-Known Member

    4 Jun 2017
    After awhile, you'll probably have played with most of the notable league players if not all. Sucks when they're on the opposing team and you just accept loss. Orpheus as usual carries hard in any game I've been in with him

    behumble likes this.
  4. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Yeah it really is annoying, either im being 100% carried or 100% crushed
    The Otherguy and Joey who like this.
  5. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    wooow 5000 infamy, awesome
    Joey who and Zangetsu like this.
  6. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    Good missiles and good big torpedo in hands of good player are both nightmare for a defender,pretty easy to land both them on defender because of its slow speed and large size...
    behumble likes this.
  7. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    I once played against Banderas too. After a while me and Banderas got seperated. So I had to take on banderas 1vs1. If it wasn't for the rest of my team I would have defeated Banderas lol. His weapons are terrifying, but after a few shots I noticed that he isn't good at leading shots. So I was litteraly dodging all of his shots while I hit all my attacks against Banderas. But after a while my whole team was dead, and Banderas got backup from four other players, so yeah needless to say, it was a loss for me.
    Last edited: 26 Aug 2017
    WarCream likes this.
  8. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Flare Gun!
  9. WarCream

    WarCream Well-Known Member

    14 Apr 2017
    Oslo, Norway
    New players Will eventually surpass us old players just because over time they will learn how to use their head (if they have )and the sheer fire power is just overwhelming imo.
    The Otherguy and Babablacksheep like this.
  10. Zombie

    Zombie Active Member

    4 Aug 2017
    i could spam this thread with similar matchups...
    i had one earlier today which we had an mk4 and enemies an mk7... devs need to fix this... it is frustrating for everyone, for us cause we know already we are going to die almost instantly, and for nightmare players cause simply there is no challenge... i mean i want to play this game, and not just run the map trying to dodge the shots or hug the fixer (but that's never enough), then get closed by mk7 speeder flare explo stun half hp explo again i'm dead...
    how hard it takes for the devs to make nightmare players just get matched up between them? like 3.8k and plus gets nightmares and that's it, why match up nightmares with 3k not? that's also why people drop infamy.
    i am at 3k not and i costantly get matched up with players with 1.5k+ over my not, with the same ratio i should also get matched up with 1.5k total not players, but that doesn't happen.
    Devs either cap max not in the matchup at 3,8k i'd say (as per lower cap which i believe is 2.8k min not or something, never seen anyone lower than that)
    or if 3k players need to sort out 4.5k even 5k players, then put them in battles against 1k and 1.5k not also. :) but that is very unbalanced isn't it?
    @Miika @Zeus
  11. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    Yep all he has to is get one good torpedo hit, and us free players are dead lol(tier 5 legendary big torp)
    Shadow Moon! and behumble like this.
  12. monobrow

    monobrow Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    @Miika already responded directly to me on this and says that in these matchups (i.e 2k+ infamy difference fights, which are called "seal clubbing" in every other league) our role is to "support" the whales, pre global release and oh yeah, Devs.

    No thanks, id like a fair matchup in every league thank you.
    Another reason game is dying.
  13. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    It's not hard at all. It would only require changing few numbers from the configuration.
    Why don't we do it then? Because it wouldn't work. There are not enough nightmare players to support that and as a result nightmare players wouldn't get to play at all any more. I personally get to play in a full nightmare battle maybe once a week, they are that rare.
    retryW, Miathan and behumble like this.
  14. monobrow

    monobrow Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    How about increasing the queue time for NM "a bit" then? So the plankton in ace 1at least get a better chance of meeting people within their own Skill and gear level.

    Right now it feels like, screw ace1. All the focus is on whales and devs so they get quick games, how is that "fair" to what must be a bigger player base than the 300 or so people in NM.?

    Add a minute or hell even 30, 10 secs to the wait time for NM.
    Do something. Anything. Please.
    Wishaal likes this.
  15. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    There is a family of 2 adults and 5 children. The adults want to play a board game which requires 3 players. They have 2 options: Invite one of their kids into the game or wait for the third adult. How long do they have to wait and does increasing the waiting time improve their chances to start a game?

    The same principle applies here. The higher you are in the infamy the longer you are already waiting, but at some level comes the point that there just are not enough players concurrently online that any (realistic) waiting in the world would help. In that situation you just need to fill the queue with the next closest matches.
    Shadow Moon! likes this.
  16. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    Something went really, really wrong if 3000 infamy players are teamed up with 5000 infamy players. I doubt that the 3000 infamy players are the next closest.
  17. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Doubting does not change the reality that they are. The more higher you go in infamy the more scarce the concurrent players get. Sometimes there are enough people online to create all-nightmare matches. Sometimes there are only few online causing much wider spread.
  18. monobrow

    monobrow Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    So are you confirming you've ran the numbers and that the queue times are as optimised as they can be today then?

    This is very important, as I (and many others I bet) do not wish to play support for the whales, so please confirm so I can go play something else for 6 months until (hopefully, but unlikely if nothing changes) the player base increases.

    Btw, i think you could have used a better analogy for a number of reasons but at least the contempt for anything outside of nightmare is clear now by your choosing to label everyone outside nightmare as a kid, just lol. Your arrogance and ego is off the scale. Seriously.

    I give up, whatever it is you actually do at Rovio, remember this, the success of your product relies on people like me to support your product and the fall from the top is 100x faster than the time taken to get there.
    Miss-B likes this.
  19. Zangetsu

    Zangetsu Well-Known Member

    4 Jun 2017
    Something something improve progression so there's a larger influx of nightmare players but we all already know your stance that everything is balanced blah blah. Honestly, a lot of your freebies aren't worth crap nor do you guys host any events, it's like you don't even care about the player's game experience.
    monobrow likes this.
  20. monobrow

    monobrow Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    He's not listening and / or doesn't give a fcuk. I love this game but the arrogance of the company is something to behold.

    I'm done caring, just gonna do my quests and maybe it'll be fixed in 6 months, till then I'll take my dollars elsewhere.

    Suggest anyone who wants real change does the same.
    SCOOTY PUFF Jr likes this.

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