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Carronade upgrades vs Speeder upgrades

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Mati, 3 Aug 2017.


What to Upgrade when using a carronade on speeder

  1. Upgrade all Carronade talents

  2. Only upgrade slow effect and projectile number for carronade

  3. Any combination of both will work

  1. Mati

    Mati New Member

    3 Aug 2017
    Hello Everyone,
    I am currently rocking mostly tier 3 rare weapons and haven't received many notable epic items yet. The 1 epic item that I have received 3 times is the carronade however I have mixed thoughts about it. The speeder is my main ship so having a tier 3 epic item on it would be good. My captain level is 28 and I heard the carronade is powerful with higher talent upgrades but this causes a conflict for me because I don't know if the extra damage for 1 weapon is worth sacrificing the talents that increase the speed of the speeder. I wonder what would be a good balance for me to use the carronade effectively with my speeder?
  2. Cyberfisch

    Cyberfisch Active Member

    13 Apr 2017
    That depends entirely on how you want to play the speeder.
    Since begin I love the speeder and my decision goes completely on speed. Use the search function and you will find many other threads about it with many useful suggestions!
    Welcome to the forum!
  3. Mati

    Mati New Member

    3 Aug 2017
    Thank you, also Do you think the reduction in speed from the carronade has a big impact on the speeder play?
  4. Cyberfisch

    Cyberfisch Active Member

    13 Apr 2017
    As I said, it is your playstyle - but nothing is forever - try it out. Talents can be changed!

    There are so many views as there are Speeder - set 3 at a table and you get 4 opinions!
    For mine, I may quote myself :rolleyes: which is easier and leads directly to interesting threads.

    And here is something about the role of a speeder and my interpretation:

    A last note: This forum is for me the most important, if not the only source for information about the game. Although it is only a MOBA, it is also highly complex and difficult to grasp in its depth.
    Battle on - CU in the Bay!
  5. Mati

    Mati New Member

    3 Aug 2017
    Thanks for linking your answer to the forum although I'd like to know if the speed decrease from talents have a major effect on how well the speeder travels, Commiting to an Epic item is quite expensive since I'm in the Master I league. I'm not sure how many talents I should commitnto the weapon.
  6. Cyberfisch

    Cyberfisch Active Member

    13 Apr 2017
    No, he only gets slower.
    You know that there are detailed information when you click on the special values in the shipyard.

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