Just to correct you slightly, and I appreciate your ability to apologize for misinformation, porthos has a strong stance that there are no bots, and will not budge on the thought. But miika did confirm in another thread (which I will link if I can find it) that the training bots ARE the players that have half HP, and do not rise or fall in infamy. I'm not sure at what point they disappear, but they are there free the tutorial match.
To the OP of this thread
@Daffers, I know it seems quite hard, and for a game you wish to play casually, maybe too hard, but if you have the patience, the game is worth it. If you really do feel that it's too much for you, then, by all means don't continue. IF you so choose to keep playing, it doesn't get any easier when playing 5vs5 humans. In fact it gets infinitely harder, what with the other players rushing and dying early. The only advice I can give, if you do wish to continue, is to hang back, play smart and as
@TheRedSpeeder said earlier, level up whatever you can. Also, go through the forums for tips and tricks. Best of luck to you.
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