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Strange Issue After Update - solved

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Cyberfisch, 29 Jun 2017.

  1. Cyberfisch

    Cyberfisch Active Member

    13 Apr 2017
    I install Update at 12h Berlin Time and make some battles - every thing is fine...
    Now 21h i wanted to play a bit more and run in a strange, crazy bug! The App opened total normally, but in the first battle, after the first shot my controls freeze, like in the Game Tools Bug, witch i never heard before and not use.
    Trying out all Nerd Things:
    • restart device
    • clear data --> effect: freeze on google play account screen
    • reinstall --> effect: freeze on lobby screen
    Nexus5x, Android 7.1.2
    But that's not enough...
    Second Device, Nexus4, Android 5.1.1 alternate account
    • freeze on daily crate screen in calender
    And now it becomes creepy...
    Third Device, an old nexus7 tablett with Android 4.1.1 - where i first have to do the update - NO ISSUE!
    @Miika @Zeus are there a ship's kobold in the bay?

    EDIT at 22h: i found the error by myself. I use a tool names twillight to adjust screen color temperature - before the update there was never a problem with it.
    Last edited: 29 Jun 2017
  2. codemonkee

    codemonkee New Member

    7 Apr 2017
    Same issue with an application called Lux.

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