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New phone

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Punisher, 4 Mar 2019.

  1. Punisher

    Punisher New Member

    4 Jun 2018
    Before I used to play with my "s7 edge" with no problem, Now after I got a new phone "pocophone f1" I'm having problems with my aiming, when I'm trying to shoot a moving ship it just feels different like its heavier or slower than it uses to be before, don't know if its because of the controls or because of my new phone, I can't remember what my controls were before, I just hope its not because of my new phone and its just something in the option that I need to change.
    This is my current controls

    Attached Files:

    HairySpeeder likes this.
  2. RobbnZ

    RobbnZ New Member

    24 Mar 2019
    I had the same problem with the Pocophone. I cant solve it and bought two other Smartphones (MotoG7Plus and Mate20lite). Same problem: while aiming, the aiming-point stays too Long at a target. Like Beeing sticky. Options tried out and different Changes didnt function.
    HairySpeeder likes this.
  3. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018

    Its not due to your phone . even i have this kinda issue m sometimes steering controls just reset to default position then boat just don't move and i became target . sometimes boat slow down . sometimes target system switch from one boat to another just before you click fire they shot get wasted in are . if someone watch replay they may think you are playing like a noob lol .

    there are some bugs but Dev don't recognized as any issue . once i even shared a screen recording on discord to one the member from their team but first they said ' i will forward ' it but then reply was reedited in 2 minutes and changed to ' we don't found any issue ' . then i tried to explain the issue but nothing changed by any recent update .
  4. Punisher

    Punisher New Member

    4 Jun 2018
    I tried pocophone with other heavy games on high resolution like pupg and asphalt 9 and they work fine for me so its not a phone problem, so far its only happening with battle bay, maybe the game need to be optimized with other phones, I hope the devs find a solution soon, the game has become unplayable.
    HairySpeeder and Su-57 like this.

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