I'm not a fixer main but I started playing fixer some time ago and TBH it's more fun than I thought it would be. (I'm a speeder main who got stuck with a shooter and didn't know what to do with it

As I'm not a pro fixer yet and since you have started recently like me I can suggest a couple of loadouts.
First is sneaky fixer.
Weapons: mine and railgun
Why railgun?: To give u a lot of time to focus on fixing and not running around killing everyone.
With railgun you have a lot of time to focus on game play between shots and keep an eye out for weak players. Also you can prioritize fixing cos if you are left alone you'll sink in seconds. Secondly railgun is good for popping bubbles. See a speeder flanking? Fire off that railgun and call out the flanker for your team. It also gives you a good chance to clean up any low hp straddlers if you have a good aim.
Why mines? Well even after the nerf mines are still very effective. Psychologically and strategy wise you can't get anything better. You wouldn't believe how many players straight up refuse to go near a mine even if it's a level 1 cos you never know it could be a tier 5 epic waiting to happen.

Also also, mines are a good way to halt any charging unfriends. Pop a few if you are getting pushed hard and see the boats turning away to avoid getting trapped between a mine and your team. Placement will be the key here. It's best to drop the mines near your teams location or block off any flanking routes and retreat for some heals.
Fixing setup: 1 Tesla bolt and 2 repair pulses for that high impact healing. It will also remind you to stay close to you team since you can't heal from a distance. It's fun to use and it will keep the heals on you and your team going. I'm using an epic t3 and rare t3 and the heals are crazy. I've played 600 battles only and I have 4million heals on the repair pulses already.
For yellows OB is better than nitro imo. You can pop those double heals while on OB and its good enough to get you back into cover and use that bolt from a safe distance or for some poor soul who wants to give you a lifesaver medal.

Finally for blues, pretty simple, tons of hit points (epic standard shield is good enough but rare will do just as well) and a turbo is a must have.
Second one is the "I don't heal" fixer.
3 duct tapes if you are really annoyed and 2 duct tapes and a pulse if you are feeling a little forgiving.
Reds will be high dps weapons whichever you have. Best setup imo will be to pop a flare to cut off the bandage (or another fixers heals) and over the time damage (+ bonus stars/coins

) with a EC or a blast.
If you want the satisfaction of hurting unfriends double carro or carronade/EC works just as well.
Blues will be same as before, standard shield and a turbo with OB for yellow.
Let me know if you know of any other loadouts which you find effective. I'll try all of them if I can. Good luck.

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