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Cant log-in!

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Manja Seal, 18 Jan 2019.

  1. Manja Seal

    Manja Seal New Member

    18 Jan 2019
    Hello guys, i had some issues with my BB app there has been alot of lags on both wifi and data. And then i decided to clear cache and reinstall the app. But now I cant seem to log in. Everytime i do it just get stuck at the loading page. A fleetmate of mine, ManjaCat showed me that I am still online after i have uninstalled the app? Kindly rectify this thank you.

    Samsung S8+ SM-G955FD
    Android Version 8.0.0

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: 18 Jan 2019
  2. ManjaCat

    ManjaCat New Member

    2 Nov 2018
    We also checked the file in the obb folder and it was the same size as mine 222 mb.

    We also ran checks on Manja Seal's internet connection and it was stable and fast.

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