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Questions about dodging&learning to look at mini maps

Discussion in 'Strategy Discussion' started by I Am A Beginner, 4 Jan 2019.

  1. I Am A Beginner

    I Am A Beginner New Member

    23 Jul 2018
    Almost all tier3 rare items.One is still tier2 Lv20. That's when I got a little depressed about my fixer life.I know I can't win them all...so,it's time to learn more strategies(Because don't die in game--that's what fixer should being aware).Here,I want ask everybody there some questions---(Most question are from here,after I read them. https://forum.battlebay.net/threads/the-driftshot-and-flow-dodge.22460/ )
    Q1. According to TheAntiSnipe's thread,"Flow dodging is something that every ship can do, you just need to be "in the zone" for it to work.",so,what's the definition of "the zone"? Is that just a large place,not a choke point?Did it have a limit for doing it?(ex: only for nitro through enemy or overboosting?)Or it have something I should aware?What's the different between from "the sudden stop"&"the driftshot"?
    Q2. What is side step?Is that just turning and going away from enemy's vision of firing?And what is "post-3.2" which appears in the video many times?How can I do "the driftshot"?
    Q3. I didn't used to look at the mini map,and because of that,I often be locked by enemys (like speeders comes from the back),and than,BOOM.Game over.So,I'd like to learn when and how and what I should aware from mini maps.How can I do that?
    Q4. So,unfortunately,if I still being locked by speeders,which weapon can I fire to temporarily blind them and run away? Can Sniper cannon or carronade do that?
    Q5. Except what I had write,did there still have something more to paying attention?(ex:look what weapons did the enemy take,or know and notice the enemy are aiming and ready to fire at once)
    Q6. I don't want this happen...But if I'm tired from playing fixers,wants to be an enfo,what should I know,and what weapon should I pick?
    ...Sorry for throwing so many questions:oops:,but I really wants to know how to make me survive more easily.And thanks for reading my questions.If you can answer it,it will be a great encouragement to a poor fixer.(Hey,and if TheAntiSnipe himself have see and answer my question,I'll be really happy:))
    That's what I want to ask,until now.Maybe I'll expand this thread,will I?;)
    Last edited: 4 Jan 2019
  2. Sifa

    Sifa Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Sorry I've only got time to answer one now but I'm sure @TheAntiSnipe or someone else will give you more in depth answers.

    But if you want to become an enfo, then your weapons of choice are pretty clear. You have three red slots with total three slot points so you should only use 1 point weapons. Now here's a list of typical enfo weapons / builds with brief explanation:
    - flare + double blast cannon. One of the most popular / iconic enfo builds, and also one of the most powerful. You basically try to set targets on fire and hammer them with blasts that have as many fire damage perks as possible. However, it might not be easy to build two sets of solid blast cannons because the RNG usually goes against your will.
    - flare + blast + mine. Similar to first build but replacing one blast with mines can also work well. It changes your role in battle a little bit but can be devastating combo.
    - flare + blast + any other 1 slot weapon. Basically any one slot weapon can be good with this combo if you know how to use it well. However, putting something like mortars on your enfo isn't common for good reasons, so the options I recommend are basically swift torpedo or sniper.
    - Grenade launcher can be used to replace flare in any of the above combinations but you pretty much need 4 epic fire chance perks for it to work properly.
    I Am A Beginner and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  3. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    ... This is complicated. I'm using "in the zone" as a phrase, the zone is not a LITERAL zone. Let me explain.

    This is what I meant by that statement. I'll clarify.
    For me, when I'm "in the zone", crazy stuff tends to happen. I just dodge anything that's thrown at me, making it look completely effortless. A fixer *can* be in the zone, but in my honest opinion, unless you have a really good overboost/nitro and also main a speeder/enforcer, don't try to flow dodge. It'll frustrate you to no end before you master it.

    The sudden stop is a technique to DODGE, the driftshot is a cool-looking technique for shooting enemies. The sudden stop is a PRACTICAL move that is not flashy at all, and is highly unrecommended on the fixer because of the fixer's inferior reverse and large hitbox. The driftshot is more PSYCHOLOGICAL than anything, and again, is NOT recommended on a fixer because of the lower agility of the fixer.
    The sidestep is, again, and enforcer move. However, it can be done by a fixer as well! You won't however, be able to dodge the faster projectiles like sniper cannons. The "sidestep" is basically a way to use the high agility of the enforcer to dodge a point-blank shot which would otherwise be undodgeable. As for the driftshot, you can do it by turning 90° right or left WHILE nitroing, and then shooting as your global cooldown comes off.
    So there's no easy way to do this. You'll get flanked a LOT when you're new. Losing to those moves and formations will show you the telltale signs of a flank, or an incoming assassination attempt. Since you are a fixer, and a new one, to help you avoid the easiest traps, I'll tell you what I do when I'm a speeder hunting a fixer. When the following conditions are satisfied, I walk in:
    1. You are not being protected by your team
    2. You are incapable of defending yourself against me
    3. You are not paying attention to me(yes, we speeders know when a target is not paying attention to us)
    An assassination attempt can be prevented by:
    1. Staying with your team
    2. Having a good weapon setup
    3. Always keeping track of enemy assassins
    There's quite a few advanced concepts to this, but I'll talk about those once you're good enough to handle enemy speeders.
    Running away from a speeder is difficult. They are the fastest class in the game.
    IF you're AWAY from your team and a speeder corners you, a carronade will ALWAYS make them think twice about continuing an attack. A good speeder will always try to avoid situations they cannot escape from.
    If you're WITH your team, a weapon like a flare, firebomb or even GRENADE, will scare a speeder. This is because being on fire for a speeder means death in 4-5 shots. Speeders always run when debuffed except when the target is on the brink of death.
    Well, there's the fixer tips:
    1. Stay with your team.
    2. Don't try to save someone who's too reckless and making too many mistakes.
    3. Pay attention to who is trying to kill you(you'll develop this as you go along).
    4. Stay hidden if you have multiple long-range healing options.
    5. Try to wear the enemy team down.
    Well, if you REALLY wish to master the enforcer, here's the link to my Discord server where I teach people who need help:
    There's a LOT I can say about the enforcer, and I'll hit the character limit if I try to cover it here xD
    I Am A Beginner likes this.
  4. I Am A Beginner

    I Am A Beginner New Member

    23 Jul 2018
    Hmmm. Thanks for replying for such a long message.That helps a lot.According to what you had said:"The sudden stop is a PRACTICAL move that is not flashy at all, and is highly unrecommended on the fixer because of the fixer's inferior reverse and large hitbox. The driftshot is more PSYCHOLOGICAL than anything, and again, is NOT recommended on a fixer because of the lower agility of the fixer."So maybe I just need to focus on this---
    So,here are the questions:because fixers can also do "sidesteps",and you had said this to me before:"OB all the way for now. You can consider nitro once you go to the endgame(Ace 1-Nightmare) when you'll have an endgame nitro training as well as battle experience to CONTROL the nitro effect."so lets focus on using OB or just using turbo(though this one sounds impossible.)So let's getting started.
    Three questions:
    Q1. So how can fixer do side steps?And when?In your video,sidesteps appear when an "un-friend"is focusing on you,maybe will try to kill you.So,how can I know and notice the enemy are aiming and ready to fire at once?Can it just lay to experience?And again,what's "post-3.2"?
    Q2. In one game I'd really foucus on a speeder that definitely wants to kill me,and I really do hit him with carro,but it seems doesn't matter to him(damage about 3-4*100*n until he's die).In the end,my teammate helped me,but to the end,that speeder didn't focus on my teammate for even one second!Did he/she just only think it's a TDM,so it doesn't matter? So how can I do next time in such a situation?
    And finally,I'll consider to join.Because the high agility of the enfo ,and it's suitable to every mix of the ships.Maybe I'll try out enfo at 4.2's Casual mode? So,if I really wants to try that,should I upgrade my rare Blast cannon and Flare gun?

    And that's all,until now.And thanks again for explain these thing to me:)
    (Hey,and sorry to being too serious yesterday:)
  5. Redneck Messiah

    Redneck Messiah Well-Known Member

    28 Oct 2018
    Damage Depot
    Yo, welcome to the enfo club, dude! Blast/Flare paired with a carronade or grenade works so well for enforcers, so absolutely. If you're interested, here's a link to my thread about an easy-to-learn enforcer build that makes use of the high speed/agility you mentioned, with a loadout guide, strat tips, and a replay of me using it: https://forum.battlebay.net/threads/the-true-speedforcer-or-one-bored-redneck-on-a-sunday-evening.23785/

    Lemme know if you have any more questions about this setup or some other build options for the enforcer, I or another enfo player will be happy to assist you... we on the forums love our enforcers :)
    I Am A Beginner likes this.
  6. Kurd1stan.

    Kurd1stan. Well-Known Member

    13 Sep 2017
    videotogif_2019.01.05_11.18.19.gif I just count them as noobs, so they will shoot whenever they have a weapon reloaded, so I dance when I know they are reloaded.
    It is like you have to sometimes do moves that even you didn't expect, be like RNG:p.
  7. I Am A Beginner

    I Am A Beginner New Member

    23 Jul 2018
    Thanks! So,can somebody answer my question...
    ...and giving some resources or tutorials of being a "normal" enfo(There're not many thread on forum about this)?Because I'm heavy-handed and seldom play as a enfo,so I'm afraid it's high agility would make my die frequently(And as a fixer,this is what he/she don't want his teammates happen,maybe)...And,brawler/sniper/dancer or ranger(from TheAntiSnipe's thread) or being a Offensive/Defensive/ or Miner(from Battle Bay Wiki)would be a better playing style to a fixer player?Questions to here,thanks again!:)
    Last edited: 6 Jan 2019
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  8. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Post-3.2 refers to the aftermath of the update version 3.2, which increased agilities. Before this update, speedforcer was an impossible style to play at a high level. And yes, sidestep application will come on practicing it hard.
    Speeders, as I've said before in quite a few cases, are VERY relentless. They will take down a target if they want it badly enough, no matter the cost. ESPECIALLY in TDM. However, once they realize that you are well-protected, they'll be more careful and you'll face fewer attacks.

    As for your last question, the playstyle of an enforcer is fluid and all-inclusive. You can be a player of any ship and still feel welcome in an enforcer. The best way to become a good enfo is to practice, and practice hard.
    If you want to see enforcer gameplay, here's my channel:


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