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May I suggest COSMETIC system as a supplement

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Charlotte Douche, 2 May 2017.


Want cosmetic ?????

  1. Yes

    12 vote(s)
  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  1. Charlotte Douche

    Charlotte Douche Well-Known Member

    27 Apr 2017
    Douch Land
    This will be really great and will attract a lot of people too. Also in regards to the RNG boxes, it is better applied as a supplement to your game.
    People dont hesitate to pay and look good :cool:.
    Eg : Change Ship color, Ambient effect[similar to repair box]
    JeffreyDoesStuff likes this.
  2. Whistler

    Whistler Active Member

    2 May 2017
    My internal tf2 fan wants to suggest hats... Or a spy boat... Or a spy boat with hats
    Epekka likes this.
  3. Captain_Perry

    Captain_Perry Active Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Sure! Maybe even a sticker shop / gift boxes for random collection. You know, when you are bored building your items, you can always decorate your ship. :)
    For the ship changing colour thing, I would say to only change the colour of that specific ship with it's similar colour (I don't think that was clear, let me give an example)
    E.G. Say you want to change the colour of defender. You can only choose blue colours (light blue, greenish blue, violet blue, deep blue etc.).
    Reason of that: We don't want confusion in ships.
    I do understand though it would take a lot of code to implement this feature. Still, this is a pretty good idea! :D
    Epekka likes this.
  4. Epekka

    Epekka Well-Known Member

    6 May 2017
    in the not too distant future
    I want a mint-green colored fixer, pronto!!
    Whistler and Captain_Perry like this.

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