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Another question

Discussion in 'Strategy Discussion' started by I Am A Beginner, 9 Dec 2018.

  1. I Am A Beginner

    I Am A Beginner New Member

    23 Jul 2018
    Sometimes,when I'm chased by an enemy and being killed,I'll think whether overboost is good or not.Same as last thread(https://forum.battlebay.net/threads/something-about-turbo.23676/),I'm wondering which should I pick,(speed,or little more health?)so I'd like to ask should I choose my tier 3 rare standard shield,pick the EPIC one,or choose nitro?(because I can't have them being leveled-up all,maybe)
    (Hey,did overboost have duration limit???) Screenshot_2018-12-09-11-24-34-34.png Screenshot_2018-12-09-11-24-44-16.png Screenshot_2018-12-09-11-26-37-63.png Screenshot_2018-12-09-11-26-43-64.png Screenshot_2018-12-09-11-26-50-36.png Screenshot_2018-12-09-11-28-03-29.png Screenshot_2018-12-09-11-28-11-92.png Screenshot_2018-12-09-11-28-15-03.png Screenshot_2018-12-09-11-28-18-16.png
  2. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    If I were you I'd focus on shield building... most HP possible, and secondarily maybe Nitro over OB?
    I Am A Beginner likes this.
  3. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Woah, you have quite a few complex choices to make there. I'll lower the load for you.

    1. OB vs Nitro
    OB all the way for now. You can consider nitro once you go to the endgame(Ace 1-Nightmare) when you'll have an endgame nitro training as well as battle experience to CONTROL the nitro effect. Endgame nitros have 4.6 second cooldowns, and are thus very strong indeed when you're a weak fixer who really cannot afford to get hit. However, nitros as they are in your league, are a liability in combat.

    2. Rare t3 vs epic standard shield
    Rare t3, don't start working on the epic until you get enough duplicates for a t3-t4 epic, AS WELL AS the resources to be able to confidently upgrade them.

    3. Side comment
    I highly recommend that you don't use the repair box, since it is not really useful in a teamfight these days. If you use the box purely for self healing, use duct tape. If you wish to use it for a little selfheal and a little teamheal, use pulse. If you use it for pure teamheal, you're better off building another bolt(I don't recommend this because you'll be super weak with twin bolts. You'll also get targeted more as the "Weak link high priority target" by assasssins).
    I Am A Beginner likes this.
  4. Nikkie!

    Nikkie! Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2018
    Baaa, I’m a pig (I am out there!)
    Check my information out! “About you”
    You don’t have to be super weak with double bolt. It can be usefull to keep your teammates alive, only you should get used to stay always behind because once you show your face you’ll be sunk in almost no time:) But I use rn double bolt+pulse:)
    But double bolt+duct tape is saver when you don’t wanna be sunk in no time after showing your face:)
    Problem of that is for @I Am A Beginner that he should get 2 things he doesn’t have yet...

    But indeed, box isn’t a good idea;)
    I Am A Beginner likes this.
  5. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    I meant weak in my context. As you know, I'm as far from a fixer main as anyone can be. For me, and for 90% of my career gameplay, fixers are TARGETS. A double bolt fixer is a WEAK target. The only thing weaker than one of those is an all-bandage defender.

    You know how assassins think? We assess the value of the target versus the difficulty of taking them down. I only touch pulse + duct or pulse + pulse fixers when they're messing with my team. But a double bolt fixer? As I said. Low risk. High team utility. These folks are literally "shoot on sight" for every speeder in the game. As an enforcer, they're the ones I shield most of the time, and when things get really bad, I have died to keep double bolt fixers alive.

    Yes, they are GODLIKE when you need to turn a game around. But unless @I Am A Beginner becomes a super advanced player capable of taking good care of himself, and possibly even gets his own nitro, I will not recommend a double bolt playstyle.
    I Am A Beginner likes this.
  6. Nikkie!

    Nikkie! Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2018
    Baaa, I’m a pig (I am out there!)
    Check my information out! “About you”
    *nods in agreement with head*
    Of course I know how assasins think...
    ...after first asking translate what an assasin is XD

    I believe also in a achievement: “It’s dangerous to go alone”
    I’m actually always when I do a battle fleeted, because there will be at least 1 person who will help you:D

    And my big dream is being able to go double pulse, it would be AMEESING! Only T3R lvl 26 doesn’t help good enough:/
    But I’ll stop adding my personal tissues, and let him listen to someone who can help :)
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  7. The Skywolf

    The Skywolf Member

    13 Feb 2018
    As a fixer main I highly recommend usong duct tape at the beginning, along with pulse and bolt. This gives you a nice and diverse loadout which is extremely versatile: self-heal, team-heal, target-heal. The tape gives you high survivability with its low cooldown, and makes you able to heal and attack more aggressively, or follow your team in more difficult situations.

    I wouldn' run double bolt without a tape, from my experience double pulse+bolt works best if your team is willing to help you, and tape+bolt+pulse is an all-arounder.
    Also the box is, in my opinion, too unreliable and doesn't heal enough, but gives a slight advantage when there is speeders in your team and you can't hit them with your bolt or they are too far for your pulse.

    I'd also suggest using nitro and to get max hp as possible because you usually are the target n°1.

    Up to you to decide ;)
  8. I Am A Beginner

    I Am A Beginner New Member

    23 Jul 2018
    Emmm...I'd like to thanks everyone here for answering my question.But unfortunately,English is not my native language(though I'm still learning it hard:)),so I have little problem of understand what you said.(maybe some more details?)But another one have help me and make me think.I have a t2 lv11 rare duct tape,and a EPIC lv 1 tape ,and a EPIC lv1 bolt.Due to I don't have the resources to be able to confidently upgrade them,and I don't know much about tape,so I don't use it much.And until now I'm still trying to find a heal items match make me and my teammates alive.So please tell me more informations(or more suggestions),thanks.(And not only TheAntiSnipe,others here did help me a lot,though I didn't wrote much about it. So please don't think your being ignored;))(Hey,and maybe I should not being heavy-handed(which mean handicapped) in games first;))
    Last edited: 9 Dec 2018
  9. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Oh, that's okay!

    So what i meant was, nitro is dangerous to use at your level. It has a high cooldown, which means it takes time for a nitro to get ready.
    For example, suppose you find yourself fighting two enemies. Nitro will allow you to dodge one shot, but three more will hit you before you can use it again.
    There is also the problem of nitro causing fixers to drive into mines, because fixers are really busy with all their items, especially when they are still learning.
    Thus, overboost is better than nitro at lower levels.

    Duct tape heals only you. It heals more than pulse. Again, since your level is low, you can use the rare rather than the epic.
    The basic rule for levelling is, "Level up rare items and level up epics only once you get four of the items."
    So, about the bolt: I sincerely think that using two bolts will cause you to be targeted a lot more than most fixers. So please carry on with using your current bolt.

    My recommended setup for you, right now, is:

    (Pulse) + (Bolt) + (Duct Tape)

    Pulse will help both you and your team to survive, bolt will heal teammates, duct tape will keep you alive.

    Good luck!
    The Skywolf and I Am A Beginner like this.
  10. I Am A Beginner

    I Am A Beginner New Member

    23 Jul 2018
    can I ask how to judge when is the best time to use tape?( though it sounded like a dumb question ;))
  11. I Am A Beginner

    I Am A Beginner New Member

    23 Jul 2018
    Last edited: 9 Dec 2018
    The Skywolf likes this.
  12. Redneck Messiah

    Redneck Messiah Well-Known Member

    28 Oct 2018
    Damage Depot
    I run pulse/bolt/tape like you do, and a good rule of thumb is to pull out your tape after losing a quarter to a third of your HP. This is good to keep you topped off, especially since tape takes ages to reload and using it too early could be bad. Timing your tapes like this, and utilizing the small self heal of the pulse, will keep you alive pretty effectively.
    TheAntiSnipe and The Skywolf like this.

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