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Update Infamy System

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Su-57, 3 Dec 2018.

  1. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    I think there is a need of updating infamy system , i see lots of players like to play custom battles and events so they don't lose the infamy . because they know even if they play good but have bad match making and bad team they are gonna lose infamy .

    i think Infamy should be based on players performance rather then team . because even its more look like team matches but mostly its not because we don't know other players and mostly they play their own game so many teams even you give message to get together play together they are playing individually . so infamy rewards should be based on individual performance rather then team . i know coin system is not perfect but infamy should be similar to that the player who did most dmg get more coins and with less dmg get less coins which motivate players to up their game in next battle to get more coins . so i think its should be like for winner team +24 infamy for player who did the most contributions and 10 infamy for less contributed player . and same about other team who lose the battle -24 infamy for the player with less contributions and -10 for high dmg player .
    so in this way it can be much balanced , higher performance players will get more reward and lose less if get lose the battle because other teammates were not doing much .

    i am attaching a screenshot as a example . you guys know better . you can also give your thoughts .

    Attached Files:

  2. skv1256

    skv1256 New Member

    31 Jul 2018
    Looks like this suggestion starts to be popular :)

    And my opinion on this didn't changed since then:
    Su-57 likes this.
  3. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    something need to be changed , i saw your post and yes speeder fixers kinda ship don't do much damage but some fixer don't even heal teammates . i think there should be a some way to find a solution because recently i was like 350+ infamy then during events i start getting low level team mates bad match making and and lose infamy from 350+ to 150+ . and this happened to others too , i saw comments in world chat lots of people write there . Devs should find some solution . i enjoy some other games where we may play with teams but rewards is based on player performance not based on if team win or lose .

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