As someone from the old days, I relate to this. However, I'd like to say this too.
Infamy doesn't feel like it matters at all. I sit around at the Battle Bay Training School and I see it: Everyone is stagnating. And I mean everyone. It takes me a duel with a top-tier Nightmare to find out all that I've forgotten about dueling. When I write my articles, I'm challenging my memory, constantly, because there are far too few people who draw that much of my devious mind out. This speaks volumes for Battle Bay's skill level and caliber.
It's not just the game's fault that we have so many noobs in-game. You go out into the chat today, what do you see? Assorted salt, match comments, banter... Sure, cool. You know what we used to see, back in June-July-August 2017?
We used to see people discussing the latest builds, and how to do what. Take note, this was BEFORE custom battles for the most part. People were talking about using the waves, making the most out of their low speed and low mk ships. People were making YT videos, talking strategy in guilds, guilds which, by the way, had no guild quest functionality.
That has been lost to us. And it's not the game's fault. WE are all guilty, as a community, of letting strategy die. The top 50? They never EVER share what they do in battle, no-sir. Very rare to be able to peek into the mind of a top 50 player.
High skill gets to the endgame. It dies there.
I was teaching a student the other day about "keeping count" with the nitro, like, you know, keeping track of your opponent's fire rate so you can dodge shots? I didn't tell him directly, I 1v1ed him, not firing a single shot. He asked me what tactic I'd used to dodge. He's an Ace 3. I'm not laughing at him. There was a player in India's top 50 who taught me that trick. He was a pioneering double blast user back then. I was a Master 3 scrub. If I hadn't learned this, God knows I wouldn't be a shade of who I am now. Basic movesets are being lost before our very eyes, and we're letting it happen.
At this point, we should be asking ourselves where we went wrong. And I think the answer lies in all the stuff about progression, this stupid ratrace everyone runs in. Yeah, NML is important, cool. I eat NMLs for breakfast. I've never made NML. Yeah, gear matters, sure. I meet, greet and kill people with t3-t4 leggies regularly, and I made Ace 1 in a mk5 enforcer with t3-t4 rares. I'm capable of doing it again.
But you know what? It doesn't matter because I NEVER get a fair fight, to the point that I embrace 1v3s these days. People no longer surprise me. Everyone's the same. They put all their work into aim, and suck at any semblance of positioning and map awareness. It doesn't have to be this way. There's a LOT of us skilled players here, both on the forum and in-game. We could help, as a community.
I want EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU GUYS at the forum to just try and reach out to ONE player a day. Help them. Teach them something they don't know. Try for once.
Also, to existing NMLs who think they're noobs who can't teach, two things. One, get some selfesteem. Two, you know much, MUCH more than you think. If you want better teammates, better rivals and enemies, TEACH.
I've tried to get as many of my tactics out as possible. P0rthos has been an inspiration of mine. I'm no P0rthos, but I'll be damned if I go down as a selfish player who never helped anyone.
Small actions go a long way, folks. Stuff you consider insignificant might well be a near-extinct strategy. Please. Share.
Okay, I agree this has been a rant. However, Random Thoughts of the Community, so...

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