I hated this update, this was my worst day on Battle Bay. I ended up quitting the game for a month. This is also the day my posting style shifted from ‘mostly helpful’ to ‘mostly salty’. I’m still salty about this update!
Three reasons this updated sucked:
1. Tesla Bolt Nerfed by 7 Seconds!
I understand that some people found Tesla Bolt annoying, but there are lots of things in the game that are ‘annoying’: Mines are a great example, Sniper crits are another great example. Those two things can literally ruin a game in an instant, yet they never got nerfed. Tesla Bolt was actually one of the few interesting and unique items in the game. It added a layer of strategy beyond just ‘who can spam the most damage’, and for that it received the single biggest nerf in Battle Bay history. This nerf killed Tesla Bolt, almost killed Speeder, opened the floodgates for Double Bubble Enforcers, and was also disproportionally harsh on lower level players.
2. EC cooldown nerf
Okay, EC was admittedly very powerful, but at least it was powerful on all ship equally (Enforcer aside). This nerf skewed that balance, making EC painful to run on everything except Shooter. This is the complete opposite of what should have happened. Shooters don’t need a big burst damage weapon, they’ve got five guns, and never have any problem doing damage. After the nerf, Shooters are still able to run two (even three) ECs side by side, and do massive burst damage, without really being affected by the cooldown; while the other ships (the ships that actually need a big burst of firepower to compete), they ended up floating helplessly without a shot. It’s completely backwards.
3. The ruining of Wayward Pains
Wayward Pains was one of the best updates ever! It’s an entirely different kind of map, that allows for more close ranged fighting, and its mere existence made people think twice about taking one-dimensional FB and Mortar spam builds, encouraging better weapon variety. I will agree that it needed opening up a bit, but this update took it from one extreme to the other. Now mortars are far too powerful, and virtually impossible to avoid in the confined spaces. It went from one of the best, most strategic, and unique maps, to a dumbed down pardise for spammers and campers.
So yeah, this update was awful. The worst update ever! and I’d like nothing more than to see it erased from existence. I hope we never see anything like it again!

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