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Fleet-mate is offline, but I am still in fleet

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by nickatorit, 26 Oct 2018.

  1. nickatorit

    nickatorit Member

    28 Feb 2018
    It happens really often, you are fleeting with someone, after match he goes immediately offline but he forget to press leave fleet. So you waiting him to join battle, you do not know he is offline.
    Expected: When player goes offline, fleeting is automatically canceled
    RACK STAR likes this.
  2. Kurd1stan.

    Kurd1stan. Well-Known Member

    13 Sep 2017
    well ,ETA (estimated time 1s,2s,8s,soon....etc) is shown when it is searching a match for you ,and if both players aren't WAITING for a battle then it won't search for a match so it won't show ETA.
  3. nickatorit

    nickatorit Member

    28 Feb 2018
    Yeah, but I am waiting for him to join and fleet is still ACTIVE green on main screen, then I trying to find him in friend list.. and he is somewhere hidden in bottom because he is offline (if i did not chat with him). And I need to cancel fleeting to be able to play alone :)
  4. nickatorit

    nickatorit Member

    28 Feb 2018
    Actually similar issue I have when I want to fleet with someone and he is IN game and just clicking on Next game (do not return to main page), There should be some sign that somebody wants fleeting with you pls return to main page.

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