Welcome back, and quite a few things have changed!
Frost- Deceased(ripperinos)
Fire: Going strong, firebomb is glitchy as hecc
Cannons: Excannons were heavily nerfed(they only deal 75% of their damage as splash, and projspeed and CD were nerfed damn hard), blast cannons have remained pretty much the same, same for snipers and stdcans
Torps: Again, pretty much the same
Mines: Same old, same old
Grenades: No nerfs
RG: Same
Tesla tools: TS got nerfed quite a bit(double bubble is OP but less used, we'll get to that in a bit), TB got nerfed to the ground(rip), RG can stun people due to a completely unexpected set of circumstances

Healing tools: Pretty much the same, except bolt was made a oneslot
Defence tools: Rudder and lube were REMOVED

Other than that, pretty much the same
NEW: Ship: Interceptor
Wep: Gatling Gun
Next. Eventz.
Used to offer special event perks and an outrageously high chance of leggy pieces, now offer interceptor parts. Railguns, for example, got a perk that gave a stun chance.
Agilities were changed, enfo has the ability to turn 180° in little more than a second. So thus, less bubblers, more speedforcers
Next, in the most recent update, they completely removed the crew and added ship levels, to balance event matchmaking(which was gearbased). They also turned every ship into its "True form". You'll understand once you start playing. In general, every ship is a mk6 now
Oh, edit: Damage got buffed 300% if I'm not wrong, HP is pretty high up there too!
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