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Patch Notes v. 3.2 "Hitting the rapid!"

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Zeus, 4 Sep 2018.

  1. Sunny Jose-Deopersaud

    Sunny Jose-Deopersaud Member

    4 Sep 2018
    Deadlines was mass effect Andromeda's excuse. That didn't go well
    ShipCrusherCz likes this.
  2. EduardoMeliss

    EduardoMeliss Member

    29 May 2018
    VantaBlack, Nathan Carlson and JoshW like this.
  3. BattleSage

    BattleSage New Member

    1 Apr 2018
    Everyone in my guild is pissed
    Reorge likes this.
  4. SirName

    SirName Member

    18 Jun 2018
    He wants an epic or legendary gatling gun because he knows anything below that is terrible. I was testing it with a guild mate on a ship that was not upgraded or had any additional defense points and it hit for 5-7 points at a time. I was using the common tier but I'm obviously not going to try anything higher if it doesn't make sense to me
  5. The Friendly Fixer

    The Friendly Fixer Well-Known Member

    1 Feb 2018
    Where all my friends are the Heaven
  6. Epicular

    Epicular Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Creator of BayStats
    Wow... just wow...

    There is so much that is so blatantly awful about these sweeping changes that I can’t even begin to put it into words.

    The developer team has proven time and time again to be grossly incompetent at balancing their own game, and at crafting a depthful experience for it. With this update I have lost any last bit of reserved hope that I had for this game in terms of it moving in any remotely positive direction.

    The devs are squandering away a fantastic game concept and a loyal community to go with it. The sheer, abhorrent idiocy on display right now is just astounding.

    Again, I’m just speechless.
  7. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Have fun with pea-shooter quests tomorrow
  8. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I think, moving forward, the agility stats should be similar to the old mk1 stats. The mk1s always felt pretty good without items.
  9. The Friendly Fixer

    The Friendly Fixer Well-Known Member

    1 Feb 2018
    Where all my friends are the Heaven
  10. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    What does the raffle board look like? A lot of dupes I hope.
  11. swordfish8844

    swordfish8844 New Member

    4 Sep 2018
    Hey Devs :) I really appreciate that you guys are coming with new stuff so the game doesn't get boring. Everyone has already given their thoughts about agility, and how it makes the game unplayable, that's why I will not write about it again, I'm sure you guys find a solution for this.

    I want to write about Gatling Gun. Even if you buff it double, I don't see me using it, because it exposes me too long to unfriends and i will be hit 2 times from the unfriend I'm actually shooting at. The only thing it might be interesting to anyone, it should have some secret power, no other weapon has. For example, these tiny bullets might pierce tesla shield and dmg the boat under it, while NOT breaking the shield. No other weapon can do it. That would be something new and everyone would love to get one, because of that. You would not have to nerf shield, because now you are giving to anyone a weapon that is especially for that. But that is just an idea. You guys might think of your own unique powers of that weapon. Cheers.

    Mr'Nobody and #CK like this.
  12. Wymtime

    Wymtime Active Member

    25 Aug 2017
    If I am going to ask I am going to ask big. What would be the point of asking for a common or rare at over 3k infamy?
    SirName and ShipCrusherCz like this.
  13. Madtrip

    Madtrip New Member

    4 Jan 2018
    Worst update ever. The game was awsome but has been totaly spolited. All last updates where orribles. Tired to be soo said every update. After one year and half I left the game definitly. You will always find Madtrip in Fortnite and Pubg.
  14. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    A few I my posts from another thread. It's long but worth a read through :)

    I don't believe a defender buff was the purpose of the course of action taken by the developers, it's more of a by-product. Their intention was to make battles a little more fast paced as opposed to the slugish feeling during pre-update battles. They also wanted to do away with gear lube and rudder because they wanted agity to be a base componant of the in game experience rather than it being an unlockable feature. Now that being said they may have scaled the agility a little too high for some people and could be easily fixed by dialing it down a notch. Another by-product is the increased probability of receiving shields from item piece combinations. Shields are a base item used on almost every ship but we were getting gear lube after gear lube that most players didn't want or use. The increase in shield drop rate was neccesary due to the increased damage potential from the influx of new event and burn perks. Higher hp means more intense battles instead of being dropped to half health from a random lucky shot. Just my 2 cents on the matter


    You all are jumping to conclusions. The update hasn't even been live for 24 hours and you all already hate it. If you look at the big picture you will see that over time you will get more shields (so more hp for your speeder), speeder still has the top speed so better mobility (also more turbos), speeder still has better agility than any ship but enforcer. Making it a little easier to hit that speeder that rushes in promotes teamwork (the core of this game) not the noobs who rush in. Im not really seeing the downside to speeders as long as they use a skillfull strategy that works with their team rather than trying to be a solo "assasin".


    You know, I see all these supposed top players threatening to leave because the game they love is "ruined". If you love someone/something you stick with it through the ups and downs. You learn to grow and evolve with it, not leave as soon as it does something you don't like. So to all the fairweather players leaving because of the update, all I have to say to you is happy trails.
    Aether_Zero, EyeOfDoom and Valkhadin like this.
  15. Spartacus

    Spartacus Active Member

    9 Sep 2017
    I agree that the gear lube and rudder was mostly useless. Quick fix, reduce the current agility levels by at least 50% across the board, and then increase the speed of every ship by around 25%. Thoughts?
    ShipCrusherCz and Mr'Nobody like this.
  16. Valkhadin

    Valkhadin Active Member

    1 Nov 2017
    Great job Devs!
  17. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    That could work but keep in mind the size of the maps + All the obstacles. At high speeds navigation would be difficult and running circles around the map would be no fun. And think about ob and nitro, they would zip you across the map in a heartbeat. Base ship speed is ok where it is but to make battles have a faster paced feel maybe a 5% speed boost across the board.
    They will probably make a compromise for agility since some hate and some love it. Maybe a scale back of 25%, we would still be more agile than pre-update without it being excessive.
  18. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
  19. Smag

    Smag Member

    23 Jul 2018
    As I said earlier.. I like the new Defender.. in fact I think it's really the only usable ship now for me. Well I haven't tried anything but the shooter and defender yet but the shooter was spinning around like mad and I ended up switching to the Defender which I never really used before. Now it feels comfortable. But.. the agility on the other ships went so far out there that they don't really seem like ships anymore.. they're like floating tricycles lol. I don't even think a jet ski could turn that quickly.
  20. Smag

    Smag Member

    23 Jul 2018
    Yeah for real if they wanted faster pace a speed boost would've been much more effective than agility. But then they'd also have to boost the dmg radius of the mortars to compensate.. mortars and slower weapons were effectively nerfed a bit in this update anyway.
    ShipCrusherCz and TheAntiSnipe like this.

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