Welp, I'm likely getting banned after this post - for sharing
my personal opinion - because, let's face it, trolls are encouraged but
my personal opinion is to be censored and reprimanded.
Anywho, for anyone interested in learning what you have to look forward to once you get into NML ... I'll tell ya the little secret the Enfo cult is trying to hide.
First off, the table was cute .. and misleading
- Does it account for TS HP perks? No
- Does it account for the 22% less projectile speed (that might be relevant for hitting faster, more agile ships)? No
- Does it mention you're getting slammed with the trifecta fire-combo for every one shot you get through their shield (i.e., 6,648 dmg vs 1871)? No
- Does it mention the EC costs 5% shooter HP, or 5% range and burning damage, if you want to use a sniper as well? No
- Does it make it seem like the EC is still a great item to build? Yep
Why is there so much effort put into keeping the Enfo secret? (in "
The DB Enfo meta has only increased in strength over the last 8+ months. As time goes on, you'll see more and more of them. And it's not going anywhere. The sheer size of the nerf required to dethrone the meta would break the game. So, they're trying to keep it a secret to delay the inevitable: 8+ Enfos in every match.
Why would that be an issue? Enfo on Enfo matches are exceedingly boring and take forever to finish. Either it ends in a draw or one is finally dealt enough grenade splash damage after 3 minutes to die. It's
far more fun to pick on shooters and defenders behind 2-shot shields - so is it any wonder you're encouraged to keeping building yours?
Want to see for yourself? Keep watching the leaderboard (and notice how people have even started switching off their Enfo setup when they log off).
2-shot shields
A lot of the upper tier Enfos are using dual HP perks, 1 leg perk, and one duration perk. This absorbs your max epic (full dmg) EC and most flare guns. Add another HP perk and it's all epic flare guns. And, it's only a matter of time before they come out with a Tshield HP + Cooldown perk to buff the TS further.
EC Nerfs
Looking at its history - The EC & Fire Combo was overpowered, so it received a:
- Splash Damage Nerf,
- Cooldown Nerf, and
- Range Nerf
And, there was some balance for a time .. But, the rise of the DB Enfos brought about an
unintended nerf for the EC. In order to maintain an equal item-for-item trade with the Enfo, you were forced to forgo your fire perks and bonus fire damage in favor of full damage perks and talents.
Then TS HP perks came along - and the EC stopped popping shields.
Another nerf by relation. Is the EC still a good weapon vs other ships? Sure. But your infamy ceiling is going to be limited based on how well you're able to deal with DB enforcers. The long cooldown and inability to pop the TS makes the EC a relic of a time passed.
In other words, if a Shooter trades two heavy weapon shots for two TSs, the Enfo and Shooter each have 3 weapons remaining. The Shooter has more HP but the Enfo is faster and more agile. If, however, it takes a Shooter 4 shots to eat through the 2 Enfo shields, the Shooter has one weapon remaining to the Enfo's three - and there is no contest.
You could, of course, use the last remaining DB TS counter - dual rail guns (assuming you're able pull 12 duplicates). But, the Enfo is simply going to speed off, force the draw or take pot shots until your sunk.
IN MY OPINION, that's why you're seeing the Enfo fanatics feverishly defend the DB with the propaganda that "everything is properly balanced." And, it's why they lash out so viciously at any heretic that dares share their personal opinion.
Side note: let's watch how my personal opinion is treated .. let's see if
YerJokinArnYer defends my right to have a personal opinion

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