Anybody that is currently playing the event can tell that
one boat is reigning supreme in coin collection.
However, often times this player
isn't helping his team win anymore than a Defender that does massive damage or the Fixer that keeps him alive.
In a game mode that is
sooo team-dependent, there are lots of different ways to help your team win. And shouldn't winning be the ultimate goal?
Current Rewards:
Rewards roughly follow an 8 - 4 ratio of winning team to losing team, and 5-5 for a draw.
Proposed Standardized Rewards:
Each contributing member of the
winning team gets 8 coins.
Each contributing member of the
losing team gets 4 coins.
Floaters get 0 coins.
All contributing members in a draw get 5 coins.
Contributing member = anyone who consistently contributes (damage/healing/flag carries/returns) throughout the match.
Effects of Standardizing Rewards:
Players will be encouraged to
win rather than just hoard the flag.
All contribution is rewarded equally. Whether you do damage to free a flag carrier, heal a flag defender, or speed rush to grab the flag, you'll be rewarded equally.
players that are currently gaming the rewards system will see reduced rewards for best games, but similar rewards overall.
Total player-base rewards will remain roughly the same.
You can still have contribution-based gold/sugar/pearls rewards.
Please feel free to join the discussion and express your opinion. Include your CTF playstyle as well.
This is coming from a yellow-boat main that enjoys defending flag carriers more than carrying it myself.