Just to be clear, its not the t1 leggy that is the main problem but the talent trained to boost these t1 leggy, which is why dev's recent gear score changes did nothing to stop seal clubbing in event
Now I'm not gonna ask for a perma ban, but the matching need sorting out..crew training need to be taken into account (and we were told that it is but the evidences said otherwise)
If the developer cannot find a way to properly fix this, its time to change the TnC, publish a formal warning for gear score manipulation, post in the in game news section and start a partial ban against people who continue to seal club after the warning being given..
By partial ban I mean banning them not from the game but only events..this can be for a period of time or forever..such punishment is normal in many other mobile games to ensure fairplay..
Ultimately its the developer that we need to question because they allowed this to happen, they provide a loophole to be exploited (I assume unintentionally)
And also to be clear again, its the crew training that makes it unfair..thats why simply having a better gear does not mean you are a seal clubber..a level 28 with t1 legendary exp cannon need about 5-6 shot to kill a regular mk4 shooter, which is only 1-2 shot less than a level 28 with t3 rare exp cannon..a level 35+ or 40+ need 2-3 shots

they can kill me twice before I take them out

in fact, they don't even need t1 leggy when their Bhurt provides 50% damage boost..just a t4 rare would do lol
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