In each update, devs do awesome job to improve Battle Bay. However, there are always few things that devs ignored.
First, update 2.5 was one of the best updates ever. New guild rivalry was added. Players now have easier way to collect parts, pieces, perks, and weapons.
Guilds rewards should be nerfed: It's not fair that one of the best guilds in the bay get similar tokens and raffles after completing 72+ (sometimes 84+) quests to a guild ranked 1000+ after completing 24– quests. Both guilds will get 42k tokens, and both guilds will have similar chances to get epic parts, pieces, perks, and weapons. In other words, guild tokens should be based on the number of cleared boards. Also, parts-pieces-perks-weapons quantities should be based on guild global rank too:
• Rank 1-10: rewards quantities should be increased by 100%.
• Rank 11-50: rewards quantities should be increased by 50%.
• Rank 51-100: rewards quantities should be increased by 20%.
This is my guild raffle after clearing 83 quests. (I will upload another screen shot when we clear the 84th quest).
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As shown above this is my guild raffle. Im a nightmare player my infamy now is 5k+. The best rewards are epic yellow piece and (useless) epic Rudder perk. (btw thx for the two useless legendary rudder perks in the event). These rewards are totally a waste of tokens and time for me. This is my bonus raffle:
View attachment 19643
It's called legendary raffle, but i don't consider these legendary rewards. We should at least get a chance for x5 epic pieces - one legendary or epic event perk - 15 legendary parts - 100 epic pieces - 200 pearls...
(btw remove power cells and replace them with boosts

Secondly, update 3.0 is one of the major updates so far. Events were added to the game. After collecting 900 coins, all players will get one legendary perk. My point is: as I mentioned before my current infamy is around 5k, and I consider it unfair to have similar chances - rewards to ppl in ace and below leagues. (Can u imagine how I feel when I see a 500 infamy player who has one legendary perk that I want, but I got two legendary rudder perks instead of it). I remember that when I was in his level Perks-Pieces were very hard to collect.
Solution: the number of coins per each box should differ from a league to another:
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• Nightmare: 30 coins per box (30 boxes)
• Ace:
- I: 35 coins per box (25 boxes)
- II: 40 coins per box (22 boxes)
- III: 45 coins per box (20 boxes)
• Master:
- I: 50 coins per box (18 boxes)
- II: 55 coins per box (16 boxes)
- III: 60 coins per box (15 boxes)
• Warrior:
- I: 65 coins per box (13 boxes)
- II: 70 coins per box (12 boxes)
- III: 75 coins per box (12 boxes)
• Challenger:
- I: 80 coins per box (11 boxes)
- II: 85 coins per box (10 boxes)
- III: 90 coins per box (10 boxes)
In other words, the only difference between nightmare league and other leagues is in battle rewards and season rewards. Rewards should be different in both events and guild raffle too.
Thank you.
• WarHawk •
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