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Removed perks?

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by capphil11, 17 Jul 2018.

  1. capphil11

    capphil11 Member

    19 Nov 2017
    A couple of quick questions:
    - Were the missile and grenade event perks removed? I have not seen them as options the last couple of TDM.
    - Similarly, I have not seen a missile damage perk that was recently introduced for the last few weeks in the shop or in raffle. Has that one been retired from the game as well?

  2. wreck your day

    wreck your day Well-Known Member

    29 Dec 2017
    Enforcer! And future ultimate selfish fixer >:D
    somewhere, nowhere, and everywhere
    Is that an event perk? If so then you can only get it from events, as the name suggests. If it's a normal perk then it's just bad luck.

    Idk about your first question but it would be really sad if they were removed. The grenade perk's the only one I want...
  3. capphil11

    capphil11 Member

    19 Nov 2017
    Missle damage was not an event perk (there was a separate damage + range event perk). I had gotten common missile damage ones from the shop.

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