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Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Aquaholic, 13 Jun 2018.

  1. Aquaholic

    Aquaholic Active Member

    7 Nov 2017
    Q: Why am I not getting stars/rewards?
    A: You are not getting rewards because you have hit a limit known as the infamy tanking penalty. This occurs when you drop ~800 infamy below your personal best, and, until the penalty has been lifted, you will receive minimal rewards, even in the case of victories or above average contribution. It's reason for implementation is to prevent infamy tanking, however many legitimate players can be caught up, as the result of a losing streak. To alleviate the penalty you have to start gaining infamy until you are no longer below ~800 infamy from your best. [Verify]

    Q: I have no infamy/I can't fleet?
    A: As of version 3.0 you are now required to reach captain level 10 in order to start gaining infamy and to initiate a fleet.

    Q: Why are my shots not registering?
    A: Your shots are not registering because you have high latency (ping) or you have disconnected. In short, this means what's represented on the screen isn't what is actually happening server-side. This is usually shown in battle by a yellow (minor) or a red (major) triangle with an exclamation mark inside, if not then your connection is fine, but it is slow. Generally you should aim to have a ping below 250ms for ideal game play.

    Q: Why am I matched with such powerful boats as a new player?
    A: Lower leagues have a lot of variation in skill,gear and ship MK. Some players deliberately lower their infamy to get easier matches by intentionally causing the team to lose (Suiciding etc). This is against the Rules of fair play [1], if you believe a player is doing this report them. If they are consistently being reported they will get banned. The developers are aware of this situation and are finding a way to fix it. If you want advice on how to compete in the low leagues, just read some of the helpful guides around the forums

    Q: What is gear score?
    A: Gear score is a rating based upon your gear and your ship level. In events this rating is factored in to determine who you are matched against. As implied by it's name, higher level items will yield a higher score, perks of any kind will raise it marginally, but it isn't affected by training.


    1. https://forum.battlebay.net/threads/please-read-fair-play-policy-code-of-conduct-in-game.13346/

    If you think this thread is a good idea then add your own contributions. Make sure they are
    Frequently asked questions if you do and Make sure they haven't already been done in the FAQ section of the forums. I'm aiming for this to be a more general FAQ about game play.

    Last edited: 14 Jun 2018
  2. Aquaholic

    Aquaholic Active Member

    7 Nov 2017
  3. ChickenSurprise

    ChickenSurprise Active Member

    13 May 2017
    Healing you up
    Q: Why is there green text on my ship's stats? (like below)
    This means that you have reached the maximum speed, ship agility, defence or turret agility for that ship

    Last edited: 13 Jun 2018
  4. Djradnad

    Djradnad Well-Known Member

    11 May 2017
    Also defense is maxed st 100 and appears green

    KINGIVANOV Well-Known Member

    28 Nov 2017
    Over here.
    That’s a FAST defender

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