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Why is this system so nonsense?

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Atena714, 10 Jun 2018.

  1. Atena714

    Atena714 New Member

    11 May 2017
    Rewards have been reduced
    They were mk7 2600 infamy
    They were cow Players
    All my mony pearls is good?
    I infamy 3850 now 2700 why
    What does the system work on?
    Check out these pictures my id:Quasar714 Screenshot_2018-06-10-18-07-25.png Screenshot_2018-06-10-18-12-44.png Screenshot_2018-06-10-18-07-25.png
    Last edited: 10 Jun 2018
  2. Medullaoblongata

    Medullaoblongata Active Member

    14 May 2018
    You must have dropped 800 Infamy below your best,as a result your rewards are reduced from Penalty
  3. StrictSalmon307

    StrictSalmon307 Well-Known Member

    31 Dec 2017
    Professional student
    Your rewards have been reduced because you dropped more than 800 infamy from your highest. Idk what the other questions mean.
    wreck your day likes this.
  4. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    3850 to 2700 is a really unnatural drop in infamy. What did you do?
  5. Rainbow Warrior

    Rainbow Warrior Well-Known Member

    26 Sep 2017
    It can be natural when season starts :eek:
    ForgetIt and HAPPY SITHSHA like this.
  6. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    No, that's far too big a drop. OP is doing something wrong.
  7. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    Your gear looks low for a 3850 infamy player. You must have been very good to get that high with that gear.
    Rainbow Warrior and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  8. ForgetIt

    ForgetIt Member

    13 Oct 2017
    I wouldn't be so sure. It also happened to me before that I dropped more than 1100 infamy because I was constantly being matched with team mate that just refuse to co-operate (and they can't handle enemy solo either).
  9. ForgetIt

    ForgetIt Member

    13 Oct 2017
    It happens.
    It happened to me before. (From around 3100 to 1900)
    It's totally involuntary, the match making just didn't let me win.
  10. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    No, it didn't happen to you either. It's an excuse you make for yourself. Noone drops that much because of their teammates. People drop 100 infamy because of that, or 200. Not 1000. If you drop 1000, you've been playing badly.
  11. ForgetIt

    ForgetIt Member

    13 Oct 2017
    So convenient for you to just dismiss matchmaking problems like this.
    What does playing badly even mean?
    Sure, plenty of people play better than me. Would it be fair comparison to compare a top player with a random guy, though? How does it reflect how well or poor I did in battle compared to others.
    Comparing with my own performance, then? Who are you to say that I played worse than when I climbed up my top?
    I don't know if you are implying that I was tanking or I didn't try to win.
    You are lucky you don't experience pro-longed losing streak. But please don't insult other people.
  12. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    I'm comparing you with your own performance, yes. To drop so much, you have to play significantly worse than you did when you reached the high point. It's not an insult unless you find truth insulting.

    Edit: also, I played over 6500 battles, and I never dropped 1000 infamy. Not even when I quit the game for 4 months and returned to find everyone else stronger while my ship had stayed the same. That is not lucky, that is me being consistent in my play and not playing worse because I got mad over a few losses.
  13. ForgetIt

    ForgetIt Member

    13 Oct 2017
    I don't consider myself to be a very good player, so I generally don't find it insulting if people don't consider me good.
    I don't always blame loses on matchmaking, either. For matches that the enemy played well, I would praise them.
    However, if match after match, I kept being placed in team with suicidal yellow ships, ships that don't co-operate, floaters, I don't think it's unfair to blame the matchmaking.
    What I found insulting was that you totally dismissed the effect of matchmaking putting player in a non-cooperating team and blame me totally for the losing.
    You totally dismissed the possibility of a pro-longed losing streak without basis (doesn't mean losing 100%. >80% is bad enough.)

    It's said that we have to get into this discussion.
    I only wanted to raise awareness that losing 1000+ infamy is totally possible even when you are trying to play well.
    StrictSalmon307 likes this.
  14. ForgetIt

    ForgetIt Member

    13 Oct 2017
    Again, it doesn't prove that you are not lucky, and it definitely doesn't prove that it's not impossible.
  15. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    It's not.

    I don't blame you for a loss. I blame you for many losses over time. Anyone can lose a game because of bad teammates, but bad players don't magically get put into your team every match. For example, if there are 9 other players in a match besides yourself, and on average 1 is a suicidal yellow ship, then the chance for a suicidal yellow to be in your team is 4/9. The chance for that to happen twice in a row is 16/81, etc. You starting to understand it? The chance for bad players to end up in your team and not on the enemy team 10 times in a row is already very, very small, and then we're still only talking about a max infamy loss of 240. You cannot lose 1000 in this way, the chance to get bad teammates so many times while the enemy always has better players is as good as zero.

    It's statistics. The effect of other players averages out over many battles, and only your own contribution (or lack thereof) remains. Losing 1000 means you did something wrong, and trying to deny it and blame it on teammates won't do you any good.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  16. ForgetIt

    ForgetIt Member

    13 Oct 2017
    No, you don't understand it.
    The chance is non-zero. A non-zero chance means it can happen. If it can happen, it will happen.
    Also, I already mentioned in my previous message that:
    Not 100% consecutive losses, but a losing ratio over a not very long period of time.
    Also, as I already mentioned, I don't always blame teammates for losses. I blamed those that are suicidal, non-cooperating, and floaters!
    For your information, I have already climbed back up.
    Fair point that blaming teammates won't do any good. But what good does it do for you to deny something that can happen has happened?
  17. ForgetIt

    ForgetIt Member

    13 Oct 2017
    I don't even know why you are arguing this.
    During that prolonged loss, it left me very frustrated.
    However, I am not even blaming anyone when I posted in this thread.
    I am merely suggesting that it can happen.
  18. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    Did you know that quantum mechanics tells you that when you throw a ball at a wall, there's a chance it will go through instead of bouncing back? Or that statistical physics tells you there's a chance that all the heat in a room will move to one point instead of spreading out?

    That a chance is non-zero does not at all mean it will happen.
    StrictSalmon307 and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  19. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    If you're trying to implement Murphy's Law here, you're horribly wrong. See, Murphy's Law applies, not to a minority chance of any kind, but a chance of failure, because the context in which Murphy's Law was coined was clearly as such.

    "If anything bad can happen, it will happen"
    According to Richard Dawkins of the University of Oxford, so-called laws like Murphy's law and Sod's law are nonsense because they require inanimate objects to have desires of their own, or else to react according to one's own desires. Dawkins points out that a certain class of events may occur all the time, but are only noticed when they become a nuisance. He gives as an example aircraft noise interfering with filming. Aircraft are in the sky all the time, but are only taken note of when they cause a problem. This is a form of confirmation bias whereby the investigator seeks out evidence to confirm his already formed ideas, but does not look for evidence that contradicts them.[18]
    Sure it will. But you can prevent it from happening here. You're not tossing an unbiased coin and hoping for heads(but getting tails). You're someone with guns and shields fighting a tough battle, meaning that you winning or losing cannot be controlled!

    Well, you're right in that such streaks can happen, however, you're exaggerating quite a bit in my opinion, which is what ticked off @Miathan here ;)
    StrictSalmon307 likes this.
  20. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    As I’ve said before on other threads, I’ve had some long losing streaks, but with hindsight I have some advice:
    • Set yourself a losing streak limit. So say you set your limit at 5, then when you lose 5 matches you log off and take a break. With me, when I get on a losing streak I tend to start playing more aggressively. And the more aggressive I play, the quicker I die and so the chances of me losing increase. A break helps to relieve my tension and ‘reset’ myself. When I rejoin the game, I deliberately try to play more conservatively for a couple of games. Perhaps other players may think that their losing streaks are caused by being too passive.
    • Recognise when you’re above your true infamy limit. If you’re winning but being a low contributor in several matches, you may be above your true infamy limit and therefore ‘due’ a losing streak to get you back down to your true infamy. Knowing that a losing streak is coming helps remove the stress of it. However, sticking to a powerful member of the team may help.
    • Try to identify if there’s certain times of the day when you lose more, and avoid long number of matches in those times. I am more of a ‘morning’ person, and so don’t play as well during evenings (and that’s when my losing streaks have occurred)
    • Bad teammates do exist, but sometimes we can also be that bad teammate ourselves. If someone call out an instruction like ‘follow xxxx’, even if we don’t think that’s in our personal best interests then we should still follow the instruction. Good teamwork wins most matches as much as bad team play loses games.
    • When trying to break a losing streak, run your best setup. Whilst your guild may like you to run other weapons (railgun say), you can still contribute more by winning without railgun than you do from losing with railgun.
    • Fleeting can help if you have some players who you play well with, but if you’re too far apart in infamy this can backfire.
    The worst thing you can do is blame everything on bad teammates or bad matchmaking because you will then not alter your own behaviour, and will not learn the above lessons.

    And finally, if you’re on a long losing streak, I wish you good luck and hope your fortunes change for the better. :)
    StrictSalmon307 likes this.

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