I made a post similar to this some time ago but I can’t find it anywhere, and I haven’t been able to find similar posts, so I’ll just open the topic in this one.
I’m not a firebomb user and therefore I don’t know how effective is the firebomb in low levels, but it’s quite clear to me that in high levels is very effective, and in my opinion too effective.
Apart from the bug that has and the dynamics of the radius-time of the firebomb (which makes it a one of a kind weapon) I feel like when they developed this weapon they tried to make it similar to the Big Berta but with a few changes.
If we compare the characteristics of both we can clearly see it:
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View attachment 15223
Same cooldown and very similar range, total damage and projectile speed. The most significant difference between the two is it’s radius.
This is with out any research done. With research it changes a lot. While when researching the big Berta we can only add more damage (just bb research, not all mortar research), when researching the Fire Bomb we can increase the damage by 20%, the duration by up to 5 seconds more and reduce the cooldown time by 20%.
The bb achieves its function, a lot of damage in very little time if you have the necessary skill to land the shot, but the firebomb can produce almost the same damage or even more with out the skill factor due to it has a much bigger radius. That, with out taking in account that bigger radius also means more probabilities of hitting +1 boats with one shot.
Because of this reasons I think the fire bomb is overpowered.
In my opinion, in order to balance it the radius should be made similar to the one of the bb (3.2) and not 3.6 as its now.
What do you guys think?
P.S: Does someone know how much total damage does a T5 epic bb with all epic damage perks and a T5 epic fire bomb with all extra time epic perks?
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