This is where I disagree.
Though I only have used enfo for 50-100 matches, it had easily become my best ship despite being a mk4.
Tesla shield is needed. But Flare gun isnt really a must. People expect you to have flare and blast, and its good to be unexpected.
But what I say is that the tesla shield is there for short range battle. Whats the point of a tesla shield if you use a sniper from far away- it is likely they will miss. A tesla shield helps when you are really close. Even opening up a tesla shield helps divert attention from you. People just shoot other people. Joeywho proved that with his common tesla shield that he used in 3000 plus infamy. Double tesla shield isn't OP. It is actually viable in short range combat. You use one shield to get in and one shield to get out.
For those of us whose Dr Buzzkill training is stlll at tier 1 , a tier 1 epic would be ok.
Plus, as I have always said, having your won style is more fun. I don't watch these legendas. The best palyer I have ever watched was
@TheAntiSnipe and that was not to copy but to see his amazing tactics. I feel that watching videos of those closer to your infamy is better than watching videos from legends in NM or videos from months ago, when the bay was different. Bays change over time due to erosion

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